
By dammitvasquez - 12/05/2011 23:34 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend came home from a camping trip and broke up with me. All because when he was watching the lake he was near, ripples formed. Apparently, this means God was telling him I'm impure and unable to be "saved by Christ" and therefore, a waste of his time. I dated this lunatic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 318
You deserved it 8 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

paramedicgirl87 4

Well look on the bright side. You're no longer dating a lunatic.

WompWompWomp123 7

Looks like Jesus saved YOU from that lunatic.


Horde 8

There's plenty of fish in the sea. Except, you're in the middle of the desert with no water, 500km away from the sea ^^

Good thing that relationship is over. Guy sounds like a psycho.

Swan61794 0

I hate crazy Christians like that! Congrats on not being with him find someone better.

lol what a religious psyco lol. he needs to get a life. god isn't real.

Swan61794 0

Gotta love the brainwashed bible-thumpers.

You're better off without that psycho. Also, whenever I see an FML regarding religion I get really tempted to athe-troll.

iReadFmlsFml 0

Since almost everyone here is probably religious, including myself, you should really read HOW she broke up with her. It's not because he's religious, it's probably because he's too superstitious or REALLY good and clever at breaking up with the ladies.

religious people are idiots. you're better off without him

I swear I did not tell them to break up.