
By dammitvasquez - 12/05/2011 23:34 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend came home from a camping trip and broke up with me. All because when he was watching the lake he was near, ripples formed. Apparently, this means God was telling him I'm impure and unable to be "saved by Christ" and therefore, a waste of his time. I dated this lunatic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 318
You deserved it 8 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

paramedicgirl87 4

Well look on the bright side. You're no longer dating a lunatic.

WompWompWomp123 7

Looks like Jesus saved YOU from that lunatic.


god doesn't exist therefor no one can be saved by "Christ"

It would be a good idea not to share your religious views on FML

Igor_g5 0

When you die you're going to regret saying that.

You should've known things would go sour the very second you found out he was a God loving idiot. Let this be a lesson for next time.

So, if someone were to fart, I could take that as a sign from god to go on a mass murder spree, and you would be ok with it, because I believed it was from god?

SpectSelf 0

what a douchebag. he's gonna find out there are more girls that are freaks in church. then he's gonna hang himself.

Taciturnbadger 0

Lolsauce so hard it hurts!

kiloxkid 0

That sucks because Christ can save anyone if they truely want to be saved.

He saved me 15% or more on my auto insurance.

Don't express your religious views on FML.


How's he a lunatic? That's exactly what it means when ripples form in the water!

Badshah29 6

jesus is a human, how can he save u? but yah, god sure can

Igor_g5 0

Jesus CAN save. He's more than just a man.

Thats true, but it helps to not put words in his mouth.

Pendatik, I am really sorry to hear that. I can't even fathom how you felt/feel to this day.

ReynshineCutting 10

Pendatik I'm sorry to hear about your dad, but that's not what we mean by "save" here. Christ saves your soul. If your dad believed in Christ, then He did save your dad and you should take comfort knowing he's walking with God now. Everything happens for a reason, and while we may not always understand them, we at least know there is one.

WallyTheWombat 0

You're not a lunatic for believing in God, that just shows that you have faith. You're a lunatic when you take stupid natural shit like that as a sign to make a semi-life changing decision, especially when it involves other people's emotions. "It rains a lot where I live, so Jesus must be sad that I live here, therefore I'm going to move." That's just over-analyzing stuff and isn't normal. Feel free to correct my spelling and grammar because I know it sucks.

What happens when he sees ripples while single? Castration?