
By Brenden - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Massillon

Today, my new neighbor moved in. Because she was fairly young, I offered to mow her grass whenever it needed cut. Her dad then tried to start a fight with me because he thought it was sexual come-on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 946
You deserved it 7 304

Top comments

That has to be the weirdest new neighbor offer/introduction that I have ever heard.


Why offer if her dad is there and can do it himself? Not only do you sound like a sexual predator but you kinda emasculated him by offering something he should be able to do.

OP, I think it was the gratuitous hip-thrusting that put Dad over the edge...

Ypetrol 11
tenfiftynine 12

My neighbor mowed my lawn and shoveled my driveway and sidewalk. Granted I did help. He did out of kindness. But he didn't say it like that. He said "If you ever need help with your lawn or the snow just ask." which isn't that sexual. Different wording OP.

YDI for thinking that age and gender have anything to do with ability to mow the lawn. my parents had me doing that chore since i was a scrawny 12 year old. as some people have pointed out, the neighbourly thing to do is say you're available to help if she needs it, not assume she'll need help with a specific thing because she's young.

Um, how young are we talking about? If she is moving in own her own, then she is clearly an adult with an overprotective father. But if she is a young child, then it is a YDI for saying that to a young child. Rather wrong as well considering how her father is around and you are offering to do free labor.

The dad watches too much ****... It's easy to tell

Not a sexual come-on, you say? Why did it matter that she was "fairly young"?

Well jeeze that is awfully nice of you, avoid girls with scary dads though