What are you doing ear?

By JK710 - 23/06/2009 01:13 - United States

Today, I discovered that the hearing in my left ear is still good. I haven't been able to hear that well out of it for 2 weeks and I thought I popped an eardrum and waited for it to heal. I stuck a Q-Tip in there to clean it out. Turns out there was actually a dead fly in my ear. For 2 weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 256
You deserved it 11 428

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How would it have gotten in there without you feeling it? Unless you were sleeping o_O still, gross.



Well, at least now you have your hearing back!

TheFadedGuitar 0

**If this was on failblog** Did the fly die?

haha wow I havent been able to hear well out of MY left ear for the past few days, and this really didn't help...

Blubberr 0

thaat happened to me oncee, i was outside and a tick or something crawled right in. i was freaking out and ran to my grandmas she floated it out with baby oil or some kinda oil. THANK GOD FOR GRANDMA'S who the heck else would know how to get a but out of my ear.. but she did scare the shit outta me saying it was an earwig, i almost fainted. ahahha.

Blubberr 0

ohh and apperantly earwax is a natural bug repellant. so don't be so quick to clean your ears right out.

you didn't clean your ears for 2 weeks? FYL

You did not feel that something was in your ear? (Didn't it move when you shook your head etc.?) You did not clean your ears for two weeks? You did not hear properly for two weeks without visiting a doctor? You deserve it.