What's cooking?

By Van - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I took a hot plate out of the oven with my fancy silicone oven mitt. Seconds after carefully placing it on the cook top, I picked it up with my left, unprotected hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 874
You deserved it 36 378

Top comments

You may want to purchase a second one.

pattheaninal 9

In Soviet Russia, hot plate puts you in oven.


Since when did FML.com become I'mRetarded.com ?

perdix 29

You should just stuff the silicone in your boobs and hope it makes you look pretty. You're too dumb to be in the kitchen, so you have to be good in the sack. I'll make my own sammich, thank you.

D'oh! ... Or was that, "Derp!" ... Hmm, it's quite well both, actually.

TheWaaaaambulanc 0

This is old. I've seen this before on this site. Saaaaamefag.

actually I've only seen them in pairs once or twice... they usually come just as a single mitt, so you have a free hand to use a serving utensil. I usually use a folded-up tea towel if I think I"ll need both hands.

oogyboogy 6

I did that once I had two pans of cookies and I took one out and was supposed to put the other one in but I just made a mistake and picked up the wrong one

OP, you expect us to feel sorry for your stupidity?

TheWaaaaambulanc 0

Why did my comment get deleted? This was much funnier the first time on this site.