Say hello, wave goodbye

By Anonymous - 28/06/2024 07:00 - United States

Today, I moved in with my boyfriend. I also moved right back out, after I caught him sexting one of his coworkers just a few hours later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 564
You deserved it 80

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really want to play the clip of Grandpa Simpson walking in, hanging up his hat, turning around, grabbing the hat and walking back out right now.

I feel you OP. I did the same with my now EX. We got a house together, he started laying hands on me, and I moved out 3 days later. I was not having that shit. Good for you OP.


I really want to play the clip of Grandpa Simpson walking in, hanging up his hat, turning around, grabbing the hat and walking back out right now.

I feel you OP. I did the same with my now EX. We got a house together, he started laying hands on me, and I moved out 3 days later. I was not having that shit. Good for you OP.

wrecklesswfire 3

hey, you moved out right away! someone actually has common sense