Where there's a will…

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Warwick

Today, my grandpa told my mom that he needs to rewrite his will soon. I jokingly said that I was going to be stinking rich when he passes away. He retorted that he's never forgiven me for rear-ending his car six years ago, and because of this, I'll never see a penny of his money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 427
You deserved it 34 664

Same thing different taste


I would have left you out of my will the second you said that. Grandson: I'm going to be stinking rich when you die! Me: Not anymore!

lordEast 6

It's all going to the sesame street rock band!

That would be muppets. Come on dude. You gotta learn your puppets!

How could you care more about money than your own grandfather? YDI, you heartless bastard.

KiddNYC1O 20

Settle down, it was a joke. Tasteless but still a joke.

Very true, 52. Although, I still think OP deserves it.

perdix 29

There are three things you don't joke about with old men: 1. Death 2. Money 3. Erections All three are very touchy issues with them!

There's a joke in here somewhere...I just know it.

perdix 29

Remind him of who will be picking out his nursing home.

Don't tell him that! You never know, he might be gone soon:/

My family jokes around about stuff like this all the time. An off-color sense of humor doesn't mean OP deserves it, I'm sure his grandpa was trolling him. If he really does hold a grudge like that, though, FYL.

Wow I feel bad for your gramps, insensitive "joke" you're an ass

I voted FYL not because of any money you won't be receiving, but because your grandfather is holding a grudge against you for a accident that happened years ago. Cars are replaceable, family members aren't.