
By smth - 06/07/2009 02:39 - United States

Today, I was babysitting. The kids were thirsty, so I poured them both a cup of the green juice I'd found in a jug in their fridge. They downed it in a flash. It wasn't until later on after I'd poured myself a cup and taken a sip, I realized I had given them margarita mix. The kids are 4 and 2. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 361
You deserved it 58 709

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dimkims 0

I think that would kind of be the parent's fault. If the kids are that young they shouldn't just have it sitting in the fridge. Though, it is partially OP's fault also. Who gives kids random green juice from the fridge? Shouldn't you have at least tasted it first?

truslide 0

margarita mix has no alcohol in it. Its just concentrate. they are fine


Corbane11 16

Mix has no alcohol usually, so yeah theyre fine

There's no alcohol in margarita mix.....

SexyMexi21 23

at least it wasnt a unknown white substance

Sooo, you gave them lime juice? So what? LOL