Wrong way down a one-way street

By hello higher premiums, fuckwad - 25/08/2013 16:23 - Canada - Montréal

Today, I was driving down a one-way street, when some raging dumbass came screaming the wrong way down the road at me. My instant reaction was to brake and give the guy a chance to do the same. His instant reaction was to keep going and wreck my car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 049
You deserved it 3 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FelKysier 7

This is why there should be an IQ test when you apply for a driver's license.

MissWhitneyB 17

Smh. Anyone can get a license these days


Well it is clearly his fault so he's more up shit creek than you are.

Did this dumbass get his license by sleeping with his driving inspector or something?