WTF, dude?

By NNTA - 26/12/2013 23:21 - Netherlands - Maastricht

Today, as I was driving back home from my grandma's, I looked over at the guy in the lane beside me, only to witness him with a sandwich between his teeth and his cock in his free hand. Now I know why I don't leave the city, or even drive, more often. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 352
You deserved it 4 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Redoxx_fml 22

Maybe he wanted a cockmeat sandwich and this was the next best thing.

flashback.miss 28

hopefully he didn't catch you staring and it wasn't too long a traffic stop.


jefrey 9

theres nothing wrong with that! i witness some girls rubbing downthere while driving...

Hahaha. It's better to be a homebody. :)

Maybe they forgot to put mayonnaise?

According to a book I read that is a sign that the person is really a space alien. The theory is that their UFO windows are made from special glass that can't be seen from the outside, and they assume all Earth vehicle windows are the same way. Of course, the book was Bart Simpson's Guide to Life, so it might not have been the most accurate source of information, and it only mentioned things like cleaning out one's nose or ears or singly loudly to music.

Let me get this straight. While driving down a street, he beat his meat while trying to eat? While eating on the go, he tried to come as he went? He had to be lost because every time he tried to turn, wouldn't he wind up going straight?

How exactly did you see his **** in his hand through his car door? Do they make see-through doors there? Because the angle seems wrong for that kind of view.

THIS. Exactly what I was wondering. Is there something OP isn't telling us?