By ElevatorThug - 25/08/2009 09:17 - Singapore

Today, as I got into an elevator, I spotted a little old lady hobbling desperately to get on. I frantically tapped on the 'door open' button but the doors closed. I got dirty looks from the people in the lift, only then did I realise I had frantically tapped the 'door close' button instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 224
You deserved it 34 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Adamt 0

ydi for being retarded and not looking why you press dumbass

Adamt 0
triplethreat13 0

realise? try realize. and no big deal, elevators have motion sensors so you put your hand between the doors and they open.

prin_cess8 4
rid3snow4life 0

FYL because you were trying to help i feel your pain

Satoyuki 0

That's a ******* hilarious image.

I have that same problem with those pesky "accelerator" and "brake" pedals in my car at crosswalks!

DarkxRaven 0

That poor lady :( I feel sad for her