You never know

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2015 but it's good stuff - United States - San Francisco

Today, I was fired for not asking a senior citizen for proof that he was over 21 and legally allowed to purchase alcohol. When I told my manager he was clearly over 21, he replied, "But what if he WASN'T?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 983
You deserved it 3 684

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crazy kids and their drama class. of course he was under make up to look over 60!


Unless his company has that policy, which a lot of stores do have. Which is why he got fired. Stupid policy in this story, but there is a reason the policy is in place.

jimmer23 21

You can't win in those situations. But isn't there a law about not being required to ask if the customer looks over a certain age?

Who would possibly go through the effort of making themselves appear that age for alcohol? Underage kids who want alcohol aren't anywhere close to that clever.

actually a lot of companies are switching to the under 40 policy.

pleasedie 22

Well if you knew that's the company's policy you should've asked anyways. When I worked in retail I always enjoyed asking senior citizens for their ID, we'd both be amused by it

This is one of those situations where you have to ignore common sense and 'play the game'. Like others have said, if your company has an 'ID everyone' policy then you should have followed it, regardless of your personal feelings. However an Instant dismissal seems very harsh - is this your first 'offence'?

Well, haven't you ever seen Bejamin Button? You could very well have sold alcohol to a toddler.

I have worked in two stores and in one we were suppose to ask no matter what age ( it was a chain grocery store) in the other we were only suppose to ask if the person looked younger than 30 ( that was a family owned store). In both stores if we had waited on them before we didn't have to ask for ID. Every state is different though and every state has their own laws when it comes to the sale of alcohol.

Psycho_Babydoll 26

My store policy is that if the customer has white hair growing out of their nose and/or ears, it's probably not necessary to ID them.