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Running on empty

By Dehydrated - 01/09/2015 11:07 - United States - Charlotte

Today, at soccer, I repeatedly asked my coach for water as I was feeling light headed. His response every time was, "Five more minutes". Eventually, I got so dehydrated that I passed out. The first thing my coach said when I woke up was, "Why didn't you get some water?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 569
You deserved it 2 773

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KittyHawkMarch 29

I can't stand people like that. Next time just do whatever you gotta do so that you're alright even if he gives you heck of it.

FusionPlacebo 26

I was in band camp last year and the same thing happened. However, thanks to me we get 10 minute water breaks now. I guess that's good? :D


KittyHawkMarch 29

I can't stand people like that. Next time just do whatever you gotta do so that you're alright even if he gives you heck of it.

Never ask for someone's permission when it comes to your health! Hope you're okay.

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You have literally no idea the kinds of punishments coaches can inflict without repercussions, do you?

53, Do you know just how badly you contradicted yourself? Dumbass..

honestly if you are feeling light headed just get some water, if your coach isn't smart enough to let you if you're light headed quit the team

FusionPlacebo 26

I was in band camp last year and the same thing happened. However, thanks to me we get 10 minute water breaks now. I guess that's good? :D

Usually at band camp you get one water break every few hours. I'm not sure how long other band camps are, but mine is 12 hours of non stop marching and playing. Plus, it's good to have a few extra minutes to sit and rest.

cynthianicole95 9

#34 People that have to march around carryi g heavy instruments all day.

"And then– And then– And then they shot a bear."

SystemofaBlink41 27

That was the first thing that came to my mind.

Hahaha band camp... reminds me of American pie. "this one time at band camp I stuck my flute in my pussy" hahaha

because this coach is stupid enough to risk the health of his players for "five more minutes" without water. dehydration is serious.

If you need a drink, get one. Dehydration can be serious and all it takes is a minute to have a drink. Your health comes first!

Miss33_fml 15

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I hope you misread the FML because if you think listening to a coach that you are supposed to listen to even if they're being stupid is considered not thinking for yourself, then you might be not be thinking at all.

It's not inability to think for themself, it's showing respect and abiding by the authority your coach has.

Been there a few times, and to the hospital for it once. You won't like it when you go to throw a party after winning a game and end up being rushed to the hospital instead. Know you're own body and listen to it. No one else

TallMist 32

To the people above me saying YDI: For all you know the coach is a hardass that'll kick OP off of the team. And what if soccer is something OP loves doing and this is the only way he can get to play? He wouldn't want to get kicked off of the team. Of course, this is indeed based on assumptions, but they're not impossibilities.