You what now?

By tryena - 28/02/2009 10:59 - United States

Today, I babysat a five year-old girl. She ran up to me, threw her arms around my waist and said, "YUMMY! I'm going to eat you!" with her face in my crotch. I said sarcastically under my breath, "Finally, some action!" I turned around to find her dad staring at me, having heard. He's my cousin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 310
You deserved it 92 979

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fb_fml 0

Wow, who would even think of something like that with your 5-year-old relative, let alone say it out loud? That's right, FYL.

Melody_fml 0

#5 she had just gotten there. dont parents normally wait till the baby sitter is there BEFORE they leave?


Miss_Jazzalyn 4

Maybe OP did say the wrong thing - but haven't we all done that? Back in high school I made a joke about something that would probably be worse - a friend of mine said something and I just followed on. Someone took it the wrong way and she must have told one of the teacher's 'cause it got back to my parents. I'm sure we all do it.

nuke0013 7

if needed I could b of some help. :)

nasty. i don't care if you were kidding, you don't say crap like that! ydi.

it could have been as he was leaving

MonkeyGirl17844 0

Ewwwwwww! That's a GROSS thing to say!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-(

okay sorry i didnt know fml had a person policeman. next time i know smh..

KaptainKupkake 1

your retarded. he was leaving he can leave without knowing that the babysitter is there. retard. :D