By Anonymous - 08/09/2009 19:02 - United States
Same thing different taste
By buttercup92 - 31/05/2016 03:45 - United States - San Antonio
By HighasaCloud - 10/12/2016 02:38
By spiderlady - 21/09/2015 03:00 - United States
By pinkXpress1023 - 08/07/2013 18:55 - United Kingdom
By somuchforthat - 19/02/2010 07:38 - Australia
By Anonymous - 11/05/2011 17:34 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 14/02/2012 12:39 - Australia
Happy meal
By ollierocks96 - 17/12/2009 21:43 - United States
By danonno - 02/08/2012 21:08 - Canada - Nelson
By gaggin - 26/12/2012 19:30 - United States - Beverly Hills
Top comments
Cover your mouth when you yawn.
Well, if you don't cover your mouth then....FISH HOOK!!! I do that with my friend all the time and it's taught me to cover my mouth. Also, OP, wouldn't you expect something to fall/fly/land in your mouth when it's wide open and you're IN a park? Sorry, but when I'm outside, I'm a little paranoid about that kind of stuff...
You shut your mouth when your talking to me!
my sentiments exactly. YDI... have manners
hmm, i was just going to put cover your mouth etc, but then so many people have, so can't be arsed now xD
no shrek says that
#31... totally... *yawns*
there was an old lady who swallowed a fly, why o why did she swallow a fly, perhaps shell die. there was an old lady who swallowed a spider, she swallowed the spider to catch the fly why o why did she swallow the fly, perhaps she'll die. it's a song a daycare sang to me when I was little about not swallowing poison... the old bat swallowed a bird next...
**** is that brutal. **** your life.
It's impolite to yawn with your mouth wide open. :)
haha how do you yawn then
you know where that covering-your-mouth came from? in the middle ages, people feared that their soul would get out if they diddn't cover their mouths. What you see as the non-rude thing to do is actually an ancient and quite stupid superstition. Still, I cover my mouth too and am not too eager to see the inside of other people's mouth
That sucks.
EEEWWWW. *gags*
Stuck? Really? So big that they got STUCK in your mouth, yet you didn't see them nor the web as you walked toward them?!?!? Nope, not buying it. Not voting either.
hey fucktard learn to write you stupid ass douche
#39, retarded much?
#39 isn't retarded... He's stuck at tarded.
That remind me of Star Wars Episode 1 when Obi Wan was in the underwater ship and was being pursued by a sea monster, which was then eaten by an even larger sea monster. The only difference would be that, in Star Wars, Obi Wan made it out alive.
... only a complete nerd could make that sound cool... =D
Yumm bugs, my favorite :D
we eat loads of spiders when we sleep anyway. actually, that's possibly a myth and every source i've seen tells a different story.

Cover your mouth when you yawn.
It's impolite to yawn with your mouth wide open. :)