Family Matters
By whyme102008 - 13/07/2011 06:32 - United States

By whyme102008 - 13/07/2011 06:32 - United States
By Taylor Easley - 17/03/2012 04:53 - United States
By ~__~ - 20/03/2015 21:23
By drunkboysgf - 21/10/2011 07:39 - Canada
By blondebarbie271 - 26/07/2015 23:55 - United States - Center Barnstead
By Anonymous - 15/06/2023 10:00
By No one special. - 12/12/2010 05:28 - United States
By Username - 20/06/2011 15:57 - United States
By notasgood - 12/01/2010 23:54 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/04/2021 02:00
By Anonymous - 08/01/2016 18:23
I think your dad had the right idea but shouldn't have physically assaulted your boyfriend. Hope you dumped his cheating ass.
In all honesty i think that I would team up with my dad, and make my moms/boyfriends life miserable. I'd probably be too mad to think straight and make the right choices. how can they even do that to her? grr.
Dad ftw. Violence is the answer.
Go beat the crap out of your mom now! Your dad is out so now you have someone to bail you out... Lord knows I would!
Epicly funny situation, yet so sad. :C F your dad's life. Also, Alex and Des have the right idea.
wrong violence is the question, the answer is yes
try the bf's brother if he has one
****, its the wifes fault too. she ******* cheated on her HUSBAND. I sure hope this wasnt a " dont hurt mahh girl!" when she cheated on him! Your dads a *******, OP.
"Violence" is not the answer. "Violence?" is the question, and the answer is "yes."
this is one of those fmls that's so ****** I can't make a pun or joke or mock it withouth feeling like an ass. if this things real sucks to be you..
you and ur dad should go Chris brown on ur mom
In the defense of the boyfriend. Even though he is a lowlife, when a beautiful woman offers to have sex with you and your young, you tend not to ask too many questions. The responsibility is more on the mother in this scenario as she should be the mature party. The kid can always break up and move on, the mother can't exactly break up the family and just move on.
no, he did what he had to do
I'm pretty sure this situation was on a TV show I watched before..
ur dad did the right thing! he is man enough unlike ur bf! should be proud of him!
Are you serious? I would have a pretty hard time not beating the shit out some low life douche bag that just cheated on my daughter with my freaking wife. This story pisses me off, OP have your dad contact me so I can help him finish stomping that kid.
I'm surprised he didn't like slap the dog shit out if your mom, then whooped your boyfriends ass. what do you mean fyl, you should've been glad to bail your dad out.
that's ******
yeah I'd definitely side with your dad on this, at least I understand where he's coming from. even though he probably didn't go about this the right way, it's hard to think straight in the heat of the moment after something like this.
good god that's messed up on so many levels
375 - I agree youth does not equal stupidity
Now what is the question..?
your family is ****** upp
what a cluster f***
agreed! her mom is also a low life too for doing it with him! that's just wrong on so many levels!!
59- finally someone understands lol
same here
I could not agree more
if you are trying to say that OP's bf might have wanted to find out where she got her moves from , so she slept with her mum .. then you sir , are a dumbass :)
Sounds like a joke to me, 22. Don't get your panties in a wad :)
aren't jokes supposed to be funny though??
yeah 22
97- wait, is that a picture of you, that's inside a picture of you, that's inside a picture of you?.... *mind blown*
Lol right 117, how does that work? pretty impressive & OP it's okay, I like Milfs as well :]
Omg Your grammar sucks so bad lol xD what the **** your trying to say?
wow hard to understand! btw #50 nice car ;)
Transformers! :O
^^ win!
Stacy can't you see your just not the girl for me, I know might be wrong but I'm in love with stacys mom lol
well maybe your Moms extrempy pretty? I wouldn't have done it but ehhhh....
166 - Oh, the irony.
make that sense doesn't? :o
166- speak for yourself.
umm 166 milf stands for mother I'd like to ****. everybody knows that. you learn it fast when that's all your guy friends sat about your mom like they do about mine lol
that sucks. fyl
hope your dad divorces your cheating mom and I hope you dump that sleaz-ball!
18, how does that work? won't you eventually run out of families? There has to be a top ****** up family out there somewhere...
38 that would be the kardashians, or Hiltons.
or whatever miasmic ooze lil wayne crawled his stupid ass out of could be blamed
when i first glanced at your name/comment i thought it said steve sucks haha
i would like to kno
I hope you gave him a hi-5 as soon as he got out.
I hope your gave him a high five?
yeah her dad. I think I would high five him.
stacy's mom has got it going on...
Is your name Stacy...?
At least it wasn't your mum you had to bail out after hitting your boyfriend when he made a move on your dad!
there's always a bright side to things.
jerry Jerry Jerry
Does that mean your boyfriend could become your stepdad and you can start to sleep with your dad? In any case, the eyes of Texas are upon you.
her boyfriend slept with her mom so her dad beat up her boyfriend for sleeping with his wife (OP's mom).
Thanks for clearing that up, 56.
I do what I can.
oh... shoot. I meant to reply to number 7. now who's the idiot. I failed.
Is you name Stacy? You know.. The song.... Nvm..
Way to completely miss his point, 25.
25 is just another example of a ******* with no sense of humor patrolling a humor website.
wow ... but seriously FYL
25 may I store some of my extra possessions in your skull? it seems to have a lot of extra space
I believe this is a case only Jerry Springer can help with
Or Steve Wilkos; legend. STEVE! STEVE!
Clearly, the mom needed a fix. And clearly, the dad couldn't supply it. And clearly, everyone on here who blames everything on the boyfriend and his "cheating ass" puts no responsibility on the mom. *Smh* Jerry Springer is always amusing
or steve o!
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayNo, her boyfriend is a douchebag. And her mother has serious problems if she thinks it's ok to sleep with her daughters boyfriend.
yeah he pretty much just ruined a marriage, I don't get how that makes him a champion.
I have no idea why you were voted down. I too think he is an epic man.
yea he is defiantly a champ
Yeah, I highly doubt that considering you're ******* ugly.
I think your dad had the right idea but shouldn't have physically assaulted your boyfriend. Hope you dumped his cheating ass.
At least it wasn't your mum you had to bail out after hitting your boyfriend when he made a move on your dad!