By fuckered519 - 06/12/2014 19:53 - United States - Du Quoin

By fuckered519 - 06/12/2014 19:53 - United States - Du Quoin
By ehwat - 26/11/2009 05:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 30/04/2014 21:51 - United States
By not impressed - 09/10/2015 18:27 - Canada - Nanaimo
By manhood fading away - 25/12/2016 20:24 - United Kingdom - Heckmondwike
By Anonymous - 04/01/2020 18:00
By Anonymous - 04/04/2011 01:46 - United States
By djl - 20/12/2012 05:30 - Canada - Beaumont
By lisacasabonita - 12/11/2010 16:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/09/2013 18:10 - United States
By Anonymous - 19/04/2010 20:36 - United States
Well is it something you can afford?
That'd be a pain in the butt to get, but it shouldn't make a big gap in OP's bank account.
#21 I laughed harder at this than I should have.
Cum on, OP. Relax-- Don't be so uptight! Oral sex makes your day Butt Anal sex makes your hole weak Too- hard?
No #73. But im getting there.
I mean, good anal lube ranges from like $5-$15. So I'd say yes. OP, time to prepare your anus ;)
#89 knows
Exactly, he didn't say who was giving or taking.
Well you could use the on urself
If u cant help it, enjoy it.
It's enjoyable
Try it, maybe you'll like it. It's giving him a gift, you know.
who knows you might find your kinky side
Well...that's gonna be a pain in the ass
as soon as i read the FML i was so happy cuz i knew someone would make this pun. so predictable!
Don't you just love Christmas? Getting a good gift is a real pain in the ass.
aint no harm in a little anal
Depends on which side you're on.
haha I guess!!
Depends on how careful the giver is with preparation.
Yea it can be very enjoyable on either end ;)
More like something he can afford
What's the problem? You didn't know what to get him, and he's asking for something you'll both enjoy.
not everyone likes anal sex
Did he really just assume OP would enjoy anal? If she's posting this on FML I'm guessing she won't... When I'm with someone I just assume they don't enjoy that so I won't be disappointed but pleasantly surprised if they are. "Remember, when you assume something you just make an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. -Homeless man by Subway
Like most everything else in this world, how do you know you won't like it til you actually try it? Refusing to try something like that even once is definitely defensible, but you can't say you *know* you won't like it. That's like my ex who refused to let me even try to eat her out, she had never tried it and she didn't know what she was missing. I just assumed this fml was more about the to try or not to try dilemma. Guess I'm an ass and so are you #50 :P
In my experience, the women who "don't like it", have never tried. In fact, the two that I dated that have/did try, DID like it (and requested it) Personally, I could care less - I'd prefer a lapdance and a ******* as a gift. :)
Well... If it's something he really wants... Maybe you can also ask him something you fantasize about... Then it's a win-win ✌️
Perhaps she would also like to be on the giving side of anal. *Jigsaw voice* Do you want to play a game?
I don't see the problem. You asked, he answered.
Yeah exactly, that's why I'm pressing YDI. Unless OP specifically said she didn't want anal, she had it coming.
Yeah, she did assk.
@77 haha...had it coming...
Hopefully he'll be Cumming soon too #77
Well is it something you can afford?
Well...that's gonna be a pain in the ass