By sexyfail - 26/01/2010 08:59 - Australia

Today, I learned that removing your boyfriends boxers with your teeth is waaaay less sexy when you accidentally bite a chunk of his pubes and yank them out in the process. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 223
You deserved it 27 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ThE_C_Lo 0

how the hell is that sexy? give him a lap dance, give him head, and let him tear ur ass up. that's sexy! case closed YDI btw



I totally agree o.o That could have ended a lot worse. And he shouldn't have to shave/trim his pubes if he doesn't want to >.< She just needs to be more careful if she tries to do that again!

Puls3ofth3maggot 0

lol I'd say... mustve bit pretty hard to rip out some pubes

Orlinda 2

lmfao so rough poor guy. and yea he should shave

ihavenoname123 0

Shaving your pubes is gross. just trim them

jakeidk 0

guys were not made to shave, it SUCKS and we don't care where we are hairy. but I guess they are a little long if your gf is chewing them off...

if they're longer than your hair, it's time to shave...

SaturnE_fml 0

Underwear, which sits pretty close to the skin, practically right on it, is snug. His hair needn't be all that long to have them yanked out when she's essentially tooth shaving his pubis. She also needn't have bit that hard, get one of them wiry, bristly suckers stuck in a snaggly tooth and out it pops. Lucky the hair was there, or we would have heard about the chunk of his pube mound instead.

blackhawkchi 0

I agree with 3. girls always are told it's gross unless they shave so boys should return the favor and shave too or just stfu about it

ThE_C_Lo 0

how the hell is that sexy? give him a lap dance, give him head, and let him tear ur ass up. that's sexy! case closed YDI btw

all the things she doesn't get anything out of

Erindub 0

It cut iff my reply! Any ways I'm with

lickmyjock 0