By MakeMyDay_27 - 27/06/2011 16:46 - United States
Same thing different taste
By me - 06/05/2013 00:56 - United States - Floresville
Rare insults corner
By ButImBeautiful - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - United Kingdom - Cheltenham
By anonymous - 02/11/2014 09:09 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 11/09/2013 18:10 - United States - Miami
By silverstar189 - 01/01/2010 15:41 - United States
By Missyangel - 31/12/2009 07:39 - United States
Say it ain't so
By loserwithlice - 26/07/2009 18:58 - United States
By Anonymous - 31/03/2021 13:58 - Germany - Bruchsal
By alejita - 02/03/2009 05:52 - United States
By disappointed - 01/07/2016 03:31 - United States - Rockville
Top comments
Get her a timeout
she needs to get whooped not a time out.spare the rod spoil the child.
Tell her you're an alien and if she misbehaves you might abduct her.
Crap I mean 61
What a coincidence! Your head is shaped like your ass.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anyway154- Then just skip to the next one. No one said you HAD to read these types of FML's.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywaytell her if that's the case you won't talk to her..ever, and then she'll realize what an ungrateful bitch she's being...some people's kids.
which head ?
tell her that her head is shaped like a pear and she's lucky you let her outside of attic. Then mention she has a deformed twin who lives in the attic. that'll get her, haha.
i agree with u lol some parents need to calm down haha
"timeout" like that actually works
Its her daughter, dummy
Let's see how this rolls out in about ten years..
give the brat squash for every meal, that will solve your problem
bitchy kid :P
You are pretty
^^^ You are creepy. FML isn't a dating service. PM if you wanna do that crap.
you've got to be kidney-ing me...
Get out. Now.
4, I LOL'd
haha punny
178, learn to read.
hmm... in the FML?
Nice one!
so, yeah, she needs to be grounded. if not, the problem will grow, and you will be the root of said problem. |the kid|
it's probably KaySL's time of the month.
Why would you call Garyy Davyy?
KaySL is a beast. 'nuff said.
Hey, "Garyy", you sure know how to make yourself look ignorant. Just because KaySL is trying to make a point, a very valid point I may add, doesn't mean that she's telling someone off because she's on her period. Go smash glass bottles on your head until you die. 59- KaySL isn't dictating anyone. She's just letting her know that she's being a hypocrite. Why would anyone comment on something that they don't know about, but act like they do know about it? You shouldn't because you WILL make yourself look completely stupid.
Wow Kay, you are so friendly!
Ain't this great? All this bullshit commenting about bullshit comments? It's fun, isn't it? WHEEEEEE!! Seriously people (ie leester), this isn't what the comment section is about. Don't believe me? 1) Go read the rules 2) Then read the FAQ 3) Then PM Sirin or Alan or any of the mods for confirmation 4) Then shut your pieholes. I assure you no one is interested in reading all that crap.
I'm just gunna pop in here and say, KaySL, you take this shit way too seriously.
Thabeasty01, you seriously need to shut the **** up. First off, you don't know how to use proper grammar. Second of all, you're NOT funny. Third of all, the winky faces and smiley faces don't make your arguments any stronger. Lastly, nobody is on anyone's dick. Just because nobody agrees with you doesn't mean that they're on the other person's dick. You are retarded and you need to go kill yourself, you ******* asshole.
KaySL seriously... I didn't wanna get involved, but really? He was obviously making a joke. Yeah, a kid hasn't lived enough to say that, but he was kidding. I honestly think you should just let it go. I agree with DocBastard... You're making to big of a deal about this. Just calm down.
wow whats with the drama boiiz? .... tbh i dont think someones age can define there experience with kids and stuff... i get where your coming from kay... but you gotta get your facts straight first bruv
sounds like she's heading in the right direction
If she wants to be a professional bitch
it's called sarcasm, for those of you who can't understand it
Only one person commented. whose "All of us"?
He's referring to the thumbs down, probably.
If you don't like thumbs down, learn how to use sarcasm the right way on the Internet.
I thought they used it correctly. Just saying. Tsk Tsk uptight people the whole lotta ya. Right direction, wrong map.
BAM! She would instantly get a taste of her own bad azz medicine!!!
at least you look healthy
just wait until shes 16
tell her it runs in the family and that soon her head will be shaped just like yours!
hahaha that's awesome XD
kids are funny.

you've got to be kidney-ing me...
tell her it runs in the family and that soon her head will be shaped just like yours!