By Queso Dog - 02/10/2012 14:42 - Japan
Same thing different taste
By fridgemylifee - 13/08/2015 17:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 03/01/2012 05:32 - United States
Mammy's boy
By Anonymous - 14/04/2023 22:00
By Anonymous - 14/06/2016 02:39 - United States - Los Angeles
By Lonely Gay - 22/02/2012 09:37 - United States
By severedface - 22/05/2011 05:35 - Canada
By crapcrapcrap - 14/03/2010 07:00 - United States
Creeped out of here
By Anonymous - 28/11/2015 05:25 - United States
By anonymous - 24/10/2010 16:14 - United States
Good girl
By Anonymous - 28/05/2019 06:00
Top comments
I wonder what got into the mind of OP to think that.
Lmao! He was probably trying to get rid of you,but you didn't catch on.
Is anyone else waiting for another post: "Today, I went on a blind date with a girl. I wasn't that into her so I tried to act really clingy and even told her she reminded me of my mother to put her off liking me. She responded by refusing to speak in anything but a robot voice . FML"
He's a lucky guy, I heard robot hand jobs are great.
No, what she should have done instead of talking in a robot voice is only talk in 3rd person.
What happened to FML people's sense of humor? This post is hilarious and OP's take on putting a guy off is creative, plus it shows she has balls. And for all you unimaginative losers who thumbed down the hand job comment; Can't you take a joke?! It's FML for gosh sakes! It's supposed to be disturbingly funny.
Went back and thumbed that post down just because of your inane rant. Thanks for playing.
Sorry 93... just sharing my opinion. Didn't mean to bring out the immature beast in you
@ 69: That would probably work very well in North America, but speaking in the third person is common in Japan, so that probably wouldn't have raised any red flags over there.
@92: If she really had balls, she'd have just told the truth about how she felt, rather than thinking up a ridiculous, over-the-top way to put him off instead of having the courage to be honest with him. It is funny, though.
So, just making sure I'm getting this straight... OP acted out in public to embarrass this man and potentially scare him away all because she wasn't having a good date... But this guy STILL thought she was adorable... And she's not into him? THAT'S THE KIND OF GUY YOU SHOULD BE IN TO! What is the problem with women!?! (Pardon my caps.)
You deserve it. Should've just told him you weren't into him, and asked to part ways.
seems to me like there's enough of a difference...don't sweat it :p (or I could be wrong and you will face the unrelenting fury of the FML community's thumbs down...)
Actually I bet he bought your bluff and decided to play with you a bit :)
97: kyleekay, I can't tell if "I'm pretty laid back ;)" is deliberate innuendo or just accidental self-deprecating humour. Either way: ;)
Robot arms and voice? You'd rather look like an idiot instead of, I don't know, telling him you weren't feeling it?
Is his mother retarded or something because the robot reminds him of his mother?...
I bet the date was being a nice guy and only saying that to be polite. He was excited to go out with OP, no need to be an ass about it. YDI.
Maybe his name was Michael Scott?
Robot fetish. Whatever floats your boat I guess.
Just say you aren't interested, no need to complicate things. Sometimes I just don't know what goes on in people's minds.
"Hey everyone look, street performers!" "IT'S NOT WORKING!! AAUUGGHHH!!" /reference/
99- it's from Spongebob, the episode where they popped a stolen balloon, but don't realize that it's free balloon day. Afterwards, SB says "Alright Patrick... just act normal..." they then proceed to freak out and run in the street babbling and screaming like mental cases. That's when the reference comes into play. Sadly, it seems line nobody got that. Oh well, there's always another time!
When a seemingly good plan fails
Should've gone with an alien theme.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayThis doesn't ensure that she won't see him again. He might try to set up more dates, since he doesn't know she didn't enjoy it. The best and simplest thing to do is just tell him she isn't enjoying the date.
It could have been much worse, he could have joined you in your embarrassing robot antics. You should have just told him you weren't into it.

You totally deserved it if you actually thought that would work.
You deserve it. Should've just told him you weren't into him, and asked to part ways.