By Queso Dog - 02/10/2012 14:42 - Japan

Today, I went on a bad first date and the guy was more into it than me. I tried to scare him away by only speaking in robot voice, with robot arms. He thought it was adorable, and told me I reminded him of his mother. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 254
You deserved it 28 609

Same thing different taste

Top comments

megapeyt 17

You totally deserved it if you actually thought that would work.

unknown_user5566 26

You deserve it. Should've just told him you weren't into him, and asked to part ways.


You could have also, oh I don't know, said, "I'm sorry I'm not interested in you."

unknown_user5566 26

14- Exactly... I never understood why people choose to make a fool out of themselves, instead of just being honest. It makes me glad I never had to endure the trial and error dating scene. My now-husband lived down the street from me with his brothers after he came back from the Navy, and I was already friends with them (the brothers). We started dating and never stopped. Yay for simple romance!

Just say you're not into him and explain. Guys usually understand direct approaches much more easily than women just being a fool.

PYLrulz 17

Repeat after me OP... This date isn't going all that well. You are a nice guy, but I can't see us working together well, I'm sorry.

Simpy put, that was the meanest thing I've ever heard someone do and think it is perfectly fine.

His mother was a robot? You were dating a cyborg?! ... Does he have a brother?

RedPillSucks 31

Or his mother was doped up on prosac or Valium.

unknown_user5566 26

Robots are awesome. What were you thinking?

feldco1 17

Being honest would have saved you a bunch of embarrassment.

YDI. If it's not going to work out, why not just tell him straight?

bach2121 13

Was it that bad? He doesn't even deserve a chance? I never thought I'd end up dating my current boyfriend and things are going swimmingly!

luna2152 3

Honesty is the best policy in a relationship, and this is a perfect example of why that is true.