By Alice99 - 12/11/2013 17:39 - United States - Bothell

Today, my sister introduced our parents to her new boyfriend. He's my boyfriend, and he told me he was going to be out of state for a few weeks on business. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 002
You deserved it 4 023

Alice99_fml tells us more.

I feel like my post didn't have enough information. No, my sister did not know we were together. I had not introduced him to my family yet. Yes, I did break up with him. No, I did not feel bad about it. Yes, my sister ended it with him after I told her what was going on.


evan_7899 28

*Fade to black after shocking line*

... You are NOT the father! Ahem oops wrong show!? Hmm maybe not actually as it could be later on... To be continued... =)

JMichael 25

Plot twist, OP's mom is also dating him.

fucMyLifeSoHard 18
AnOriginalName 19

"You said you would be out of town for business. The test results showed... That this was a lie."

evan_7899 28

Every black lady is going "Mmmmhm damn right honey"

evan_7899 28

Every black lady is going "mmmhm damn right honey!"

*Both girls proceed to stomp the hell out of the guy while Steve insults his manhood*

*after finding out the results one sister flashes the crowd to receive Jerry beads*

booda_shun do you mean Steve! Steve! Steve! ??

Nah 45 I think he means threadjack threadjack threadjack.

If you hurry you could probably buy the rights to that plot for a romantic comedy

A romantic comedy usually has everything working out perfectly with everyone happy. I don't see how this could end well.

Hesher 19

After a series of hijinks, both the OP and her sister realize that the boyfriend is a douche and that it was stupid of them to let a boy get between their bond. It's a film about women empowerment and the comaraderie between siblings.

evan_7899 28

I've already submitted my form to own that scene. I'm gonna make millions

hornetnation 9

I'm in film school, I could help film it! :-)

Littlelee240 11

On the bright side, he probably won't stay with her long either.

ohmygod. dump him (if you haven't done that already). btw, did your sister know he is/was your boyfriend? if so, get revenge on her

I guess that solved it self since he's with her sister right now that jerk. Hope his "gun" backfires...

I think a sincere apology is better than getting revenge.

Hopefully now he's an ex to both of you girls.

sassypants93 17

Well now you all know. It's time for that sister fantasy to come true!

Kevlar_burrito 6

Why is this down voted? People on here are dumb

Because that joke became lame the second time it was used.

Didn't Seinfeld teach you anything? If the roommate swap was difficult, the sister swap is absolutely impossible!

How'd your sister not know you were dating him?!

kyu_Q 19

Because OP never brought him home or introduced him to her family.