By unicorn - 13/09/2011 21:21 - United States

Today, while taking a stroll in the park, a kid walked up to me and asked, "Do you believe in unicorns?" I answered, "No." He dunked his ice cream cone on my head, laughed hysterically, and ran off screaming, "BELIEVE!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 743
You deserved it 12 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thrAsHeRr9081 16
missyj0 12

You must believe in the unicorns! Or else you shall feel their wrath.


13FTW 9

Yea really everyone believes in unicorns and dragons xD

13FTW 9

Why the "xD" face? I'm being completely and entirely serious in this matter, please refrain from making jokes or any sarcasm. It is slightly offensive.

nonelikeworms 0

OP should have run after the kid trying to poke him.......or maybe that's me

LiveLaughFML 10

planking, coning..the crap that people my age come up with these days. SMH lol (:

fakeaccountX 6

Beware! The more you believe in them, the more they'll try to get you.

captianKool 4

That kid had some balls... Or a mental disorder

Wait... so why did you lie about believing in.... Oh wait that was the acid trip never mind.

kelsey_katie 17

My friend has a video on YouTube of him doing that at a mcdonalds drive thru. Look up uniconing on YouTube!!

Bekeliyr 10
cocknblock 0

So this was able to reach ur head?

missyj0 12

You must believe in the unicorns! Or else you shall feel their wrath.

salvorican 24

YDI for not believing in unicorns!! :O

Unicorns aren't real, they're just polycorns that lost a few of their horns in battle. Duhhh.

#3, I was going to say the exact same thing, and you beat me to it.

Lennes 12

#93, I don't think it changes the fact that pegasuses (or pegasi) are flipping awesome.

Lennes 12

#93, I don't think it changes the fact that pegasuses (or pegasi) are flipping awesome.

Lennes 12

#93, I don't think it changes the fact that pegasuses (or pegasi) are flipping awesome.

Lennes 12

#93, I don't think it changes the fact that pegasuses (or pegasi) are flipping awesome.

Lennes 12

#93, I don't think it changes the fact that pegasuses (or pegasi) are flipping awesome.

Lennes 12
Splurgeaholic 4

That sucks... Every day? I guess ur like me an won't ever believe in unicorns

im pretty sure u get horns dunked somewhere else huh?

im pretty sure u get horns dunked somewhere else huh?

thrAsHeRr9081 16

I want to believe, but I was touched when I was little :(...

BellaBelle_fml 23

Chaaarrrlieeee! We're on a bridge Charlie, a magical bridge of hope and wonder!

Come to candy mountain chhhharrrrrlieeeee. :D

Lol 69's comment is perfect for the comment they made

Candy mountain, candy mountain the land of tasty treats (several minutes later...) goddamn they took my spleen.

sleepyhungry93 0

Lol this legitimately made my day. Thank you.


He wanted OP to look like a unicorn with the ice cream cone!

smappy 1

You were not being sarcastic; as the meaning of the word obviously fails you. You were being a moron as befits your cliche profile picture.

KiddNYC1O 20

112- Hey now, low blows and kidney shots are illegal.

skata 4
skata 4
rebekahah 7

Do you want an award, super genius?

je_suis_fml 11

112- Not illegal, just frowned upon. Like masturbating on an airplane. Everyone just got so sensitive after 9-11. Thanks a lot bin Laden.

missyj0 12

Not a trace, of doubt in my mind. I'm in love, oooooooooh. I'm a believer, I couldn't leave her if I tried! I'm sorry. I just had too :3

16 is married to a unicorn. Very happy together, very happy :)

RA661 8

Ice cream cone on your head. You're the unicorn now ;) I guess that was his prank.

PYLrulz 17

OP could of been sitting on a park bench, or having a picnic in the park sitting on a blanket

cptmorgan6 8

Or... OP was taking a stroll, just like they state in the FML.