By Anonymous - 20/11/2011 17:10 - United States

Today, I learned that my roommate, the one in charge of the cooking, never washes her hands beforehand. According to her, it boosts her immune system. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 558
You deserved it 4 212

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WinterPerfection 3
SkardeyKat 3

Well, according to her logic, your immune system is being boosted as well. I believe a thank you is in order, she's pumping up your system to defend against super-bugs!


WinterPerfection 3

Ya it does actually boost your immune system. The problem would arise if she has some horrible disease on her hand.

gunmania0 12

Sounds like she's been boosting your immune system too!

blackheart24 10

Just stop Taking showers and say it's to boost her sense of smell.

Just inject her with AIDS blood and say you were helping "boost her immune system."

I barely ever wash my hands. I haven't gotten sick in over 3 years.

MizzErikaHart 8

Right, so she doesn't wash hand before preparing give her aids. Anyways, op, cook ur own food, problem solved..

CrizzyCream 1
blackheart24 10

61- I think aids is a pretty good trade for not washing...

blackheart24 10

Ooooo 76 nice burn. Props man. 50- torched!!

dude no shit u dumb ass I think he was bein sarcastic and u missed it

111- yeah. That was why I had quotes around the part about boosting her immune system...

I don't understand how it would boost HER immune system... It would definitely help anyone eating her food... But then again, eating dirt will help too.

jdog1231 0

This feels so weird but... Girl, get OUT of the kitchen

zyperman43 19

What did yuckshe ever do to you?

saIty 17

Well we know who's not going to be cooking on Thanksgiving.

shrimp1234 4
Waggleton 0

It's the turkey, the turkey will not be the one cooking Thanksgiving meal because it will be the one getting eaten. Simple deductive reasoning my friends. Your welcome

77 your pic goes great with your stupid comment :)

SkardeyKat 3

Well, according to her logic, your immune system is being boosted as well. I believe a thank you is in order, she's pumping up your system to defend against super-bugs!

chickenwalrus 14

with a sprinkle of possibility of incredibly infectious disease.

Exactly. She is boosting your immune system. You shouldn't complain until you get sick. :3 Though while it's her personal choice, and exposure does help acquire immunity, if you're not comfortable with it, cook your own food.

Maybe it's time to start doing your own cooking...

And if you cant cook worth crap then.....Microwaveable meals are in isle 3.

zuzupetalsYO 11

98 - Ready to eat microwaveable meals may not be the healthiest choice, but they don't make you fat. Over eating and/or lack of exercise makes you fat.

CookieMonstr19 0

Uhmm..time to go brush ur teeth! :)

You could try, have fun and let us know how it goes.

nc21690 19

ewww id prepare my own food from now on and tell her what soap is........

Next time tell her youll cook. Go to the bathroom before hand and dont wash your hands lol

...But then OP would be doing what she was doing, it wouldn't effect the roommate in any possible way. (Except to 'boost her immune system' and the like.)

...But then OP would be doing what she was doing, it wouldn't effect the roommate in any possible way. (Except to 'boost her immune system' and the like.)

Imagine all of the things she's done with her hands just to have them handling that chicken she probably made for you the night before.

Epikouros 31

Stop complaining, you should be happy a roommate cooks for you. Enjoy her home-made mayonnaise!