By anonymous - 27/11/2011 00:12 - United States

Today, after spending hours putting up our tree and decorating it, it fell over and shattered the glass ornaments. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 570
You deserved it 4 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mspoutylips 8

When things like this happen to me, I jus sit on the floor & put on a sad face. :(

Spouse: Honey, what's this? OP: That's the stand.


Could be a cat. Mine loves leaping up and down the whole tree..

i_amthe_walrus 0

That happened to us every year growing up... Come to think of it there was also always alcohol involved in the setting up of the tree also... ...I wonder what could have caused the tree to always fall over..... Ehh. Who wants some mango's?

that's why you're supposed to get a life sized POSTER of a Christmas tree... everyone knows that >_>

LiyIa_fml 8

I remember when I was little I accidently knocked our christmas tree over. I tried to hide it with a blanket lol

Serves you right for setting it up so early. It's not even December yet! Bet your one of those people that leaves your crap up even after the holidays over.

Looks like it got an axe to the trunk..or it was unbalanced.

Deck the halls with the broken glass! It will be like a stained glass hallway effect!

Georgieeporgiee 9

Teach you to put your tree up before it's even December!

bizarre_ftw 21

21 - I involuntarily (and unsuccessfully) tried to read that to tune

Llama_Face89 33

37- I managed it!! I feel acomplished!

jwade11 12
natashax21 5

Atleast all the other ornaments are okay(:

EvilCupcake8361 9

Then you slip and break your ass. Fa la la la la la la la la

Spouse: Honey, what's this? OP: That's the stand.

bizarre_ftw 21

I thought you said you put the tree in it I was going to, but then I saw the pie..... Doesn't glue work just as well?

Aw I'm sorry OP. Get a sturdier base next time!

mspoutylips 8

When things like this happen to me, I jus sit on the floor & put on a sad face. :(

Oof, that sucks. I'm not sure there is a way to make this have a positive side... Atleast.. you still have time to get another one?

DreBeezy 9

You may now hang your head in shame.

MrWhiteGluz 1

This is gods way of telling u it's not x mas yet it's still ******* November dumb ass

Lubpynk 0

pretty sure god wouldn't say Xmas.

heylesha 8

and its usually tradition to put up the tree after thanksgiving. and If your going to bring god up in this use the correct way of saying christmas. Not xmas. Cause im prettying sure the thumb downs is gods way of saying say it right... dumbass

brun12 1

I don't think God would punish someone for getting in the Christmas spirit early...

15- For someone who is so critical of the proper way of saying things I see some pretty glaring typos/mistakes in your comment as well. Just saying.

Couldnt agree more. Getting into the 'Christmas spirit' in November is just BS. 10 years a go people would set up trees somewhere around the 2nd week of December. Over the past decade Christmas has only been marketed more and more as some sort of "buy buy buy fest". Setting up a tree now is just hopping onto the retail bandwagon who's only goal is to get you to buy as much stuff for aslong as possible. This all of course using the Christmas spirit as excuse.

diidiimi 10

Anyhow, Christmas trees should be real, and getting them too early just means they're dead by the time Christmas actually turns up. Of course, I live in Australia, this probably isn't such a problem in cold places. :-P

Lubpynk 0

28.....15 was only saying use CHRIST in CHRISTmas not Xmas. people are forgetting what Christmas is about. I don't think she was caring about grammar mistakes.

Christmas or Xmas has nothing to do with god for me. I celebrate it for family and merriment. People need to stop being Hypersensitive about how to say Christmas and stop worrying about what it means to other people. If it means your God being born to an unmarried virgin, then so be it, but for the rest of the world it's not, and for the corporate world, it's good business. If you want to make it only about Jesus, then it can't be the most pervasive holiday in the US, seeping into every poor of every block. In short, deal with it.

Since "Jesus" wasn't actually born on "Christmas" I don't think "God" cares either way. Let the religious hate spew forth!

Thanks for the lunatic hippy response, 35, but some people enjoy the holiday and the feeling it gives them, and they would like to set up for it early. It doesn't mean they're going to buy everything in sight. I have no idea why you would make random, pissed-off assumptions like that.

Hopping on the retail bandwagon? All they did was set up a tree? Not like they bought out a store. Someone's a grinch!

hotPinklipstick 24

Some people follow the tradition which involves putting the tree up a day or or after Thanksgiving, it is a normal tradition. As for the debate about God and Christmas some people do choose to believe and celebrate for specific reasons (like the birth of baby Jesus) others celebrate for the merriment. There is no reason to down others views or religion over a holiday. At the same time there is no reason trying to change others opinions and force religion down their throats. Just be happy that you get to celebrate another holiday and quit finding things to bitch about.

hotPinklipstick 24

52 if CHRIST hadn't been born, there would be no CHRISTmas. See the connection? It is a holiday to celebrate the birth of Jesus. And the gift giving became a tradition after St. Nicholas (Santa Claus) went around giving everyone in his village gifts on the day of Christ's birth. Also, Saint Nicholas did exist but is now known as Santa Claus.

KRS_13 0

That's why you water the tree if the tree is real.

Seriously, people?! Why don't you just drop the whole thing and let each other celebrate Christmas as they would like to? Christmas means different things to different people. No one way of celebrating Christmas is the way it should or shouldn't be celebrated. Just drop it!

This includes calling it "X-mas". If people aren't comfortable calling it "Christmas", they have a right to call it whatever they want.

bitchslapped22 14

I agree with 68, I hate when people say calling it X-mas "takes Christ out of the holiday." Stop bitching at someone because they didn't spell out the word Christmas on an FML comment. God damn

Actually 64- if it hadn't been for pagans celebrating during winter-solstice, there'd be no celebration to be taken over and hijacked by the church which used the pagan festival and many of its themes to help assimilate them into the church. And santa clause is inspired from germanic paganism. Try not being a Christian/Christmas apologist who's only way of argument is by using caps on Christ.

Lol. The happy, I've accomplished something great face. Then the fail face.