By Anonymous - 27/11/2011 11:46 - Denmark

By Anonymous - 27/11/2011 11:46 - Denmark
By segal1010 - 28/02/2013 00:27 - United States - Potomac
By thesadone - 03/07/2010 06:49 - United States
By fsdjhgasjlhg - 03/08/2013 06:46 - Australia - Cairns
By oliverP123 - 22/07/2011 04:11 - United States
By montextes - 25/07/2011 16:12 - United States
By masterzach21 - 22/01/2010 06:25 - United States
By hannah12345 - 26/02/2010 17:54 - France
By lobotomy pls - 11/09/2015 18:40 - United States - Tappahannock
By eric - 16/03/2011 07:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 23/01/2016 05:51 - United States
Just imagine if she hit the FaceTime button by accident.
Well that's um......different?
This would of been so hot if it was your girlfriend
35- yes because she's not at home she's in public texting with her nipple, iMessage uses Internet also who's to say she wasn't I messaging?
Now you won't be surprised if your dad is gonna use his dick to slide to answer a phone call
Agh!' your making me wanna try this shit!!
Pics or it didn't happen
I wonder what daddy uses to reply...
Is she a fast typer?
#43- Yeah ...different aaaannd scarring!!!
15 - ***** are for kids*
She just gave a new definition to "sexting."
I'm so gonna try it
I bet it was... Hard
It would have been easier if she was trying with both nipples :)
I'm just kidding :D
How would it be easier? The surface area of an iPhone screen is small in comparison.
Better than dad with his.....
I'm liking this only for you're picture
wats a little nudity among family?
Not in Kentucky.
im just waiting for the "wincest" comments to come alive again..
Maybe she was trying out a nursing app?
Only in the south
Just pointing out that the OP is from Denmark, not the USA...
No, thats just not right! Poor OP
I wouldn't feel the same if I received a text message from my mom anymore.
Omg, I'm trying it now and it works!!! Lol
I did, lol.
I tried it... But just think about it this way. At least it wasn't YOUR iPhone.
I'll try it. Saaz Huh. My nipple wrote "Saaz".
Whats wrong with that? I do it all the time! :)
Is it hard???(:
who doesn't?
Do you have any pictures to prove it?
Ahaha I do it too!
All you guys are fags! GTFU! I feel bad for all of you.
Haters gonna hate.
Don't call people fags. I wouldn't say that if i was you, your little photo pose tells it all.
133 - you got that right ;)
Can I watch?
She was trying to take a nude.
Take a nude? How do you do that?
Your bellybutton?
8 - pics, or it was just your fingers.
ew. that was scarring just saying that
Jwkfgdkf I kfmicudd this isn't working.... I cannot succeed with my large Elbow...
Not that hard ;)
I typed this comment with my nipple
I bet you're scarred for life...
I've read a lot of things on but this is in the top 5 of weirdest things I've heard a person do
"FML’s goal is to provide quality, cost-effective, on-time information management solutions to a variety of commercial businesses, organizations, and government agencies." I think you mean
Hah at least it wasn't YOUR iphone
125- I didn't think that much thinking was involved in reading a comment...
If you only knew what I used to type this comment.