By Anonymous - 16/12/2011 03:55 - United States
Same thing different taste
By cazorp - 05/01/2012 11:43 - United States
By lehonX9 - 06/06/2015 09:11 - Germany - Hanover
Overreacting much?
By But you drink alcohol though - 19/04/2023 03:00
By Anonymous - 17/07/2015 22:24 - Canada - Sackville
By kp. - 03/09/2015 16:30 - United States
Don't go
By Paulshaun1 - 06/10/2016 13:38 - United Kingdom - Luton
Smoke 'em if you've got 'em
By Dumbweed - 28/08/2009 04:42 - United States
By cul8erqtpie20 - 03/01/2012 16:35 - United States
Why mother, why?
By Gee, thanks mom - 15/02/2022 14:00
Drugs are bad
By KookieLove666 - 10/08/2022 06:00
Top comments
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Show it anywayWell if she chose weed over her own son...that's highly unlikely.
After all her brain cells are fried :p
#10- OP could be a girl, but you have a point. It's sad to see what we are coming too as humans... Choosing crap over our children...
While it is true that you aren't addicted to the actual chemical THC in marijuana, you can become "addicted" to the effects it creates. Here's a really crappy example: you don't become addicted to being held at gunpoint by muggers, but you can get addicted to the adrenaline rush, so to get your fix, you'll walk around seedy parts of town with money hanging out your ass to get that rush again.
85- that's some shitty logic. I got my phd all while drinking alcohol, therefore alcohol is armfree! and it's called psychological depedency, chek it out, first class of psychology teaches it
The fact that someone would even give an ultimatum to their PARENT, who is probably paying all the bills as it is, is one of the dumbest things someone could do. Giving ultimatums is the fastest way out of someones life.
Addiction isn't a clinical term (yet) but by most lay definitions it means repeating a behavior in spite of consequences to physical well being, social roles, emotional development, legal ramifications, etc. And yes, this defines some pot users.
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Show it anyway85, you can be addicted to anything. Even things with out addictive properties.
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Show it anyway182 Weed is illegal. Either he/she could make the demands or have the police do it for them.
Just like there are studies linking alcohol to Ciriosis and tobacco to cancer but neither of those is illigal
And before all you pot-heads jump on me about that, the kid could be living with their mom for a reason eg. Paying for college on their own. Therefore it wouldn't be unreasonable for the child to ask her to stop. Her not stopping shows that she is addicted, as she chose it over he own child. Giving her an ultimatum was more of a last resort it would seem.
It's very possible actually. You dont get addicted to the weed itself, but to the high you get from it.
Yes weed can be addicting.. My friend relies on it to be happy. Of weed isn't addicting tell all these stoners to stop smoking it, guaranteed it will be reallllly hard for them. Mind you like the guy said above, it's not necessarily addicting itself.
Lets go over a hypothetical scenario. I like ice cream. I am not addicted to ice cream. If someone told me to stop eating ice cream or they would leave my life I would tell them to **** off. That doesn't mean I am addicted to ice cream it's just that I'm not going to let someone else (especially my own child) give me an ultimatum on something that I enjoy. I'm just really stubborn and wouldn't let another person think they can control me like that.
I can guarantee just about every stoner HAS stopped for a large period of their life. Wether it be to get a job or because they could no longer afford to. I smoked weed every day for a semester in college, and didn't at all for the next five. Sure I missed having fun, but I wasn't in withdrawl, and that's because weed is not addicting.
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Show it anywayComment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayGetting error message on my phone...sending in 2 parts. 1 - Wow kids these days. Weed is illegal. So is jaywalking. I'm sure we've all jaywalked before. Alcohol was illegal in the US for a few years, and now it's not. Cigarettes are very bad for you, yet they've always been legal. So the "legality" of certain actions has nothing to do with their morality.
2 - Now that the self-righteous little kids with no life experience have been put in their place... We don't know the full story of the mom. Is she a low-life with no job who sits up and smokes weed all day that she trades for food stamps since she has no job/no money? Or does she work 2 or 3 jobs and smoke weed to wind down and her whiny brat of an adult or older teenage kid just doesn't like the smell and decided to tell her how to live her life?
3 - IMHO we can't make a sound assessment about the situation without more details. But for me, I decline to judge either the OP or his mother. Who knows he could be a 20-something year old just living under her roof mooching off of her. Or she could be a low-life douche. The world may never know.
Thank you! Someone in this post knows what they're talking about!
168 - ya his brain's clearly been affected by weed. A master degree is a common symptom.
If a parent chooses to go buy and smoke weed, meth, or any other drug instead of taking care of their child especially a young one who needs special attention (just one example) then they have a addiction or at least a serious mess up in priorities and NEEDS help. Addiction means anything that has control over you and in my experience with my mom, friends aunt, and few other friends and their drug problem (weed, meth, etc); it was a addiction, it did run their lives, and had complete control over them.
Kinda sounds like you are :/
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Show it anywaywell I wouldn't quite say she's a horrible person for's not good but doesn't mean she's horrible :p
Drugs are good actually
Just because she has an addiction does not mean she is a horrible person. Her addiction is what is causing her to act in such a way. She may be a very good person and mother if she were sober.
97, you must be high to think that.
Buds not that bad.
Weed is a drug. Though it's the most natural out of any of the other drugs out there pharmaceutical or not. To say it's not a drug is stupidity.
Marijuana is not a drug.
Jesus Christ. Do you guys even know what a drug is? Nicotine (in cigarettes) is a drug, caffeine (in coffee) is a drug, thc (in cannabis) is a drug. just because something is natural doesn't mean it can't be a drug. You can actually get addicted to caffeine. You can go through withdrawals if you stop drinking it. Drugs are all around us but most are legal. Thats not to say that drugs are bad either. Have you all never attended health class in high school?
173 that's like saying heroin is a drug..
Weed isn't addictive nor a drug. It's safer to smoke weed than use any other mind altering substances.
I'm just trying to say that weed shouldn't be considered a drug. I mean who made it a drug? the government. cherry pie is addictive to some people, so if the government started calling cherry pies a drug would you stop eating cherry pies? probably not. and I realize I probably sound like a hippie dumb ass right now, so I'm sorry.
173 by that logic heroine wouldn't be a drug either since it's made from poppy flowers
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Show it anywayCase and point, 18.
Anything can become addictive if you have enough of it on a regular basis.
Perhaps, 4, op is old enough to move out and ops mom wanted him out, making this her last straw.
Its not addictive itself...its the feeling of being high they get addictied.
To those who said its not physically addictive ur close it is physically addictive its not chemically addictive the difference is tobacco and heroine are chemically addictive exercise is physically addictive
I use to smoke weed every day for at least 4 years. I quit a year ago just by saying I don't want to do it anymore. I didn't have to get treatment at all.
Dont give me that sh*t that weeds a drug. It aint no drug. Ive done the research. Its just a plant. It just grows like that. And if you just happen to set it on fire there are some effects.
371- you're proof people can do research and still be a dumbfuck.
You know what's funny about that? I don't smoke weed. It was a quote from Kay Williams. Get a sense of humor you uptight prick. Thanks.
Did you find one?
Hopefully the OP did. Lesson learned: never make an ultimatum unless you're prepared for all possible outcomes. On the bright side at your next place no one will be eating your munchies.
Agreed with #95. OP made several mistakes: setting rules in a home he didn't own, giving an ultimatum, and threatening an addict. All you can do now, OP, is move on. It's for your own health and sanity.
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Show it anywayLooks like mom is addicted. Not mentally but physically. You do it because it makes you feel good and you won't stop because you chose not to.
'quitting smoking is easy, I've done it hundreds of times' - mark twain
Weed isn't addicting, but ignorance is.
Some people can't even eat or sleep without it. You can get addicted to ANYTHING ie; shopping, food, ect. It's mentally and physically addictive anything can be. It's more so mentally. So therefore your comment is void.
That may be true for you but it's not a fact. Weed can be very mentally addictive. If you stop you won't get withdrawal symptoms. But addiction's withdrawal symptoms can last for days; mental addiction is for life. Ask a 10-year sober alcoholic which is harder: the detox or stopping himself from drinking every day. All the people I know that are addicted to weed say they can stop just like the alcoholics, cigarette smokers, etc. None of them do. They just sit in the same place smoking their lives away.
Really 137? Sounds like op isn't just a kid. And to piss off somebody who's high on weed enough to get kicked you're a dumbass lol. As for weed not being addicting. Yes it is, you just don't get a chemical dependency on it. You won't have withdrawal symptoms. That's why they say it's not addicting.
Ok then - prove it. Quit. I mean if it is so easy like you say, then you can quit today!
That's because it's the opposite of what nine said, mentally addictive not physically. Mental addictives are just as hard to get off but once you do there's no withdrawal. Weed users always say they can stop whenever they want so how bout you do then, just stop for a month, or even a week, see if you can.
Andrea, please save the world an atrocity and do no pro create.
Andrea, save the world an atrocity and do not pro-create.
Andrea, please save the world an atrocity and do not pro-create.
Ive been smoking weed for 30 years and I'm still not addicted! -Hippee
ya i do it everyother week which means i can stop
As I already said, if the only way to not be stressed or to be happy is by using weed, then yea, it is an addiction. By relying on the endorphins caused by your high, you will in fact eventually prohibit your own body to create its own NATURAL endorphins; which in the long run, links marijuana and depression.
Straight up, this guy/girl just needs to grow up and find their own place
Seriously! I hate when people call it addicting!! I once smoked weed every day for a month. Know what happened when i ran out?? "oh well better go get more" That was three months ago, and i haven't smoke since, and i'm fine. :)
I must be addicted to lots of things showers, eating and dressing myself in the morning. I can't help myself it just!!!! Can't...stop!!!
Not if the kid is a mooching ass who should have moved out years ago. Not I the mom is a cancer patient.
Anything is mentally addictive. Food is an example. But it doesn't mean you should pass judgment on to people who do it. It also means you shouldn't assume that all people who smoke are addicted to it, just like how not all people who drink are alcoholics. Frankly I think quite a bit of you should be more open-minded, because there are some people in the world who are actually smart and collected and also smoke pot.
Weed can only be metally addictive, but so can anything really.
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Show it anywayWeed is great! I understand why a lot of people don't like it but that's down to them! You NEVER hear of someone smoking a joint then starting fights with numerous individuals over petty things; Alcohol does that instead yet people still drink until ridiculous hours of the morning and a lot of them end up being arrested! I can honestly say it makes NO sense to me...
112 - Fights because of weed happen a lot where I live. It pisses me off to no end. You ever been caught between two stoned idiots trying to choke each other?
No, I have never been in that situation nor do I want to be. I haven't even heard of that happening... Then again my friends and I are pretty mellow people so I have no intention of fighting anyone so I guess it's plausible. Sorry if my ignorance to this has offended anyone.
Those ppl must have mixed because aggression is not a side effect of weed
was this an arguement about price and paying for the pot. i have never seen a fight break out when people were stoned on pot that was in its pure form. somoe pot is laced with some serious bad crap.
I noticed that my ex was slightly more aggressive when he was high...
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Show it anywayI expected the thumbs down ;) shows how much you guys dont understand. theres nothing wrong with weed and it was ops choice for they gave there mom the options. if weed is their moms way to escape they can either deal with it or handle it their own way. my father smokes pot and it doesnt effect the rest of my family in any negative way.
Finally a pretty girl with some sense.
Your welcome
Hahaha two awesome people here who likes das green too! Hahaha first non nagging comments on here. LEGALIZE IT! haha
Haha :)
So is your name.
Alright kids , this isn't e harmony.
If you were smart enough you would know It's not illegal in all the states.
66, Now I'm curious to know what he said to you that generated that response..
82 prob the comment from 52.
Weed is disgusting. I'm glad it's illegal in the Uk.
It's simple... You either love weed or you don't... Kind of like marmite :P a lot of people in this world do like it and a lot don't... I have a feeling its going to be entertaining to watch this thread unfold :)
Jade, I love you.
JadeWalker, it's people like you that make our future look bad. I hope you realize that. Weed is not a way to cope. It's an illegal drug. It's illegal for a reason. It causes severe damage to the body. There is something wrong when a woman abandons her offspring, not child, not adult, OFFSPRING, for what appears to be an addiction. We clear? Kay. Cool.
Weed is illigal because in the 1910s paper manufacturers didn't want the compition of hemp. Weed is accually less harmful than alcohol or tobacco and less addictive
Okay, that's besides the point. Yes. Weed has its ups and it's downs. Personally, I think the downs outweigh the good. Some disagree. But the real problem is that the mother abandoned her offspring for weed. That's not right. It doesn't matter if OP was a bad kid or not, the mom didn't kick him out for that. She kicked him out for a drug.
Then weep for our present and past, 153. Weed has been a part of many, many, many generations. And come on, you don't get busted for saying you smoke weed...
M 153-- Are you serious? You really think cops care if I say I smoke weed? & you think they can use fml commentary for proof in court? Haha I've gotten busted smoking. The cops really didn't care- he had me throw it on the ground & told me to smoke at home from now on. A bit of a difference there, it's not crack, lighten up! *end rant

Yes, like letting her adult children live at home rent-free while they hassle her about her fun habits.
While it is true that you aren't addicted to the actual chemical THC in marijuana, you can become "addicted" to the effects it creates. Here's a really crappy example: you don't become addicted to being held at gunpoint by muggers, but you can get addicted to the adrenaline rush, so to get your fix, you'll walk around seedy parts of town with money hanging out your ass to get that rush again.