By lafinesse - 14/05/2012 22:23
Same thing different taste
Acting kinda sus
By sailinggsoul - 02/08/2019 00:01
By Tressa95 - 25/02/2018 18:30 - United States - Belleville
By ghgfd - 06/03/2013 14:53 - Canada - Barrie
By secretdeo - 24/08/2009 04:48 - United States
By tbree - 19/09/2014 22:38 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 18:12 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/06/2009 04:16 - United States
Auntie Flow
By iluvjenknee - 22/01/2010 06:26 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/06/2010 00:29 - United States
By NotALady - 15/12/2016 22:20
Top comments
No kidding
15 - have you ever written a comment without a smiley emoticon? :)
Shouldn't the security guard be doing, I don't Know, his job? No one comments when he buys his excessive amounts of twinkys.
75 - actually those worries keep me awake at night.
81- I thought Jake ordered 4 fried chickens and a coke? :) Either way, I'll take some dry, white toast though, please. (Presuming a Blues Brothers quote here. If I'm wrong, please simply dismiss this comment as one made by a super-movie-geek and please carry on.)
That's hilarious!!!
15- brilliant. made me laugh!
The extra one's for BB bassist Donald "Duck" Dunn, he died yesterday. RIP
I'm sorry, but, did anyone else read "I'll be damned," with the voice of Marcellus Wallace from Pulp Fiction?
I would hand him a tampon instead of a tissue hahaha
Well, tampons are absorbent, so it might work better than a tissue.
15- MY NAMES EBONY TOO! SNAP! you're the funniest hahahaha
79- who said he was fat? Sounds like he has an awesome sense of humor in my opinion.
Well if you didn't have a pack of Q-tips for your ears, then he was most definitely wrong.
Also, she doesn't have Pepto-Bismol so he's wrong about that too.
no cuz the toilet paper is covering that end
I'm talking about puking...
You forgot the secret hole that Quagmire discovered on women.. But we will never know what lies there.
I think it's funny how a Q-Tip box instructs us not to use them in your ears, but everyone does anyways. :)
Gobble gobble
Well they're called earbuds where I'm from, even though you're not supposed to use them for your ears because they push the wax deeper in. I use them for things like removing the nail polish that gets on my skin and to apply things that would otherwise stain my fingers like gentian violet or mercurochrome.
off the Qtips box: "Warning: Do not insert swab into ear canal". Variety of uses include first aid, household cleaning, and Electronics! I guess i will count my ear as an electronic :)
The box clearly states not to put them into your ear
Dont forget about napkins?
Dont forget about napkins?
That waa messes up but hillarious
#3 *messed *was
Thanks, I didnt catch that. My phone has been messing stuff up lately
Ah yes, the classic "I'll-just-blame-autocorrect" move. Nice.
#33 I never blamed autocorrect.
I just simply need a new phone. Thank you for asking, though.
Quick! Balme your comments on a sibling before it gets out of hand!
56- He asked a question?
58- *blame
I do not want things to get out of hand. I do not like to argue, especially on FML. Also, I do not want to argue over something as stupid as a grammatical mistake. So if my original comment is removed, that will honestly be great.
I can't tell if 58 wrote "balme" on purpose...
AwkwardPartyBear- Grammatical mistakes aren't 'stupid'. Grammar and spelling are the essence of world languages today. For example, in Spanish 'papa' is potato and 'papá' is father. While it's cute to love a potato, it's not nearly the same thing as loving your dad. Yes, people on this site tend to nitpick at minute errors, but your past few comments have been a train wreck that seems pathetic to blame on a phone, which you are ultimately controlling. As a saying goes, "Good grammar is the difference between 'knowing your shit and 'knowing you're shit'". Just be more careful next time.
106, Except it is quite stupid when the mistake was corrected (with the exception of 'hillarious') by the original commenter, suggesting they obviously know how to spell, and it was unintentional. I'm all for giving people shit if they've just posted something daft and then left it, but there was an attempt at correcting the mistakes here so why be an ass about it?
Once again, I do not want to argue. I have corrected most of my mistakes(with the acception of hilarious). Also I do not want to argue about my profile. I will change it if you like so we can all move on, because therefore, my hooves are tired
205 - "because therefore"? It's safe to say that makes zero sense. Also, *except, since we're on a roll with this anyways.
That sir, was beautiful!
Well, he is right, right?
Thank you for correcting me. Now, is there anyone else who would like to make a comment? No? Okay, good.
I would and so I did.
Are you guys seriously having an MLP discussion here? Go do that somewhere else; this website has nothing to do with that show and therefore is not the place to talk about it.
Was it Paul blart?????
HaHa !
Put your tongue back in you mouth homeboy..
Am I the only one who thought he was a black homer Simpson at first? Yes? ok :(....
Damned... Unintentional puns for the win!
Men .
Are awesome
Moderated while saying one word only. Congratufuckinglations.
Omg I completely agree! This is not an FML it's just funny :)
125, Slow down! Have some respect for yourself. It's good to see that these days there are guys willing to wait for private messaging and not just jump into it with every girl he sees! Good on him for waiting. You PM ****.
Aw that must be so embarassing...

Well if you didn't have a pack of Q-tips for your ears, then he was most definitely wrong.