By FutureMarine3658 - 08/08/2012 14:00 - United States - Salt Lake City
Same thing different taste
By maddie94 - 27/04/2009 09:14 - Australia
By Anonymous - 10/03/2010 20:53 - United States
By Cass - 29/03/2012 02:03 - Australia
By Employee - 07/08/2012 19:17 - United States - Lincoln
By anonymous - 21/10/2013 06:53 - United Kingdom - London
By Quin - 31/05/2019 14:00
Spotted it
By dollabill009 - 06/06/2013 08:49 - United States
By XavierLing - 23/07/2019 06:00
By cdubb27 - 11/10/2010 06:00 - United States
Creeped out
By gymgirl - 17/12/2013 23:48 - United States - Grand Prairie
Top comments
You have got to be kidding me. Haha? At least try a lame joke. Getting thumbed down for a stupid joke is better than this crap.
You're ******* weird, what the hell do you think it's supposed to smell like?
I agree. That IS the point of a FML. To get you to laugh. No point in commenting that then. Might as well go to a restaurant and say "I ate food." Alright that was a horrendous example. But whatever. 27- That was not a reply. Don't comment jack.
I love how you have only 39 comments yet you know all the rules to fml. It's not a written rule, plenty of people thread jack and not too many people seem to care.
Think you'll get a few odd looks from your future squad mates as well.
^ Point proven.
Comment number is pretty irrelevant, though I see your point. Most people make an account far after they start reading FML's. And thread jacking is alright in my book if the comments are funny.
My dog does this its hilarious, and people saying it's weird its not its just instinctive. Maybe you could've disguised it as if you were wiping sweat off your upper lip then had a quick wiff?
You really did a lot with the first comment there bud...
Did someone other than me say "haha" like that kid from The Simpsons?
Actually, I'd agree that thread jacking is fine if it's funny. This wasn't. Baha
Why do people get so mad when they think the comment is stupid, it's really not that big of deal.
21 - According to the profile, 10 actually is a 13 year old girl.
21 I like how you couldn't even make sure that your own comment had everything spelled correctly. Also, learn the difference between spelling and grammar.
10) Hey, I cut too! I just love cutting bitches! Are you going to end up being one of those bitches? Cause frankly, your profile pisses me off something fierce. 39) the fact that he misspelled was the joke.
Fine, let me rephrase that. 39) The fact that he misspelled WAS the joke, sweetie. 10) I feel like mauling you.
I agree with 39; seeing as neither sentence is grammatically correct.
21- Dude, that's an insult to 13 year old girls! We can actually type English.
Any male here, giving op shit, is a hypocrite. We all do it, op just made the mistake of forgetting he was in public.
21- I find that offensive because I have had exceptional grammar since around age 11-12. And 32, I think that they might just be younger than that. Just my thoughts :p
*She, not "They". Sorry!
39- It was both, dumbass. She forgot a period at the end, and her spelling was atrocious.
I agree with u
I live in Utah, I better not run into you at the gym.
He mastered the art of not giving a ****.
What a disgusting habit. You deserve the contempt of your peers.
I think I just threw up a bit in my mouth.. >_< grodie. also, yeah, YDI. faith in human kind, -200
My ex used to do that. Disgusting. There's a reason he's my ex.
I'd be staring too
76 - I'm pretty sure nobody does.
To determine whether or not he has to wash them? I don't know. Guys are weird.
cuz OP is a ball sniffer
I guess OP really likes the smell of balls.
Well Their is no valid excuse for that.
you skipped a question mark.
You missed your capital letter.
**Well, there is no valid excuse for that.
It should be "Nazis". No apostrophe.
You should all kill yourselves you ******* grammar nazis lol.
200: "Nazis." MLA = the period goes inside the quotation marks.
Really?. Like this?!?!.
Your grammar sucks, bitch.
Oh everyone lighten up! It's guys like OP that keep the world an entertaining place to be. The only harm he's actually doing is to his nose, for the love of God!
And everything he touches.
He is at the gym. People (hopefully) shower after the gym...
…and every single piece of equipment he uses before he washes his hands. Now that everybody in the gym knows who he is, there's no telling for how long others have had to literally bask in ball sweat. We don't need to lighten up, you need to get a clue. That's just plain sick.
Ok I don't think many people make a habit out of it, but I think most of the guys on here have done that at least once...
There was this kid in my high school that used to get a kick out of wiping his ball sweat off other people. Nobody said anything, because he was the biggest kid in class :/
I do it once in a whilr
wafflebot .. thanks for sharing *wtf jackie chan*
That's why God gave Man knees, to bring down the big guy. If the kid was still too tall, there's always the foot.
You're getting off to a bad start on here, buddy.
I have heard from a lot of my guy friends that they do that... It's very awkward... I wouldn't do that!
Ew that's disgusting
But why would a guy do that..? What's the point in smelling ball sweat?
Why comment if you haven't read the post properly?
Yep, I'm sure his ball sweat was piney fresh.
He scratched his balls, of course it's going to smell bad!
Scratch and sniff ;P though I must say that's a bit of an odd habit.
There's this old lady in my town and her nickname is actually " scratch and sniff" ... No matter where she is...
Awww poor old lady....
As soon as he said "sniffed my hand" I hit 'You Deserve It'...

That's just disgusting..
What a disgusting habit. You deserve the contempt of your peers.