By FutureMarine3658 - 08/08/2012 14:00 - United States - Salt Lake City

Today, out of habit, after scratching my balls, I then smelt my hand. It was at that moment I realized most of my gym was staring at me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 440
You deserved it 50 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sunako_fml 9

What a disgusting habit. You deserve the contempt of your peers.


I hope you never lose your hands and get pirate hooks to replace them.

cantthinkofshit 5

Haha I don't really know why but the whole "future marine" username makes this even more funny for me. Lmao

Wtf?! Why would you smell your sweaty balls using your nasty sweaty (yours and other peoples sweat) hands!? In public! Wth is wrong wit you dude?!

coughyochick 7

One quetionWtf is wrong with your imagination?! :O

Wow, the fact that that is habit worries me... I'm pretty sure you deserved it!

What's the big deal? We all do it. My wife scratches her pus#y and then smells her fingers. It's natural.

day624 14

Your username explains a lot

DylansMomma 9

Your comment : Wtf possesses you to smell your ball sweat, especially after working out? You're gross dude. YDI!

Why would you do that? That's nasty! Who does that?! Do you smell your hands after wiping your butt too? You're disgusting.