By ELparano - 29/12/2012 01:21 - Canada

Today, I was driving without my seatbelt on, when I noticed a police car approaching. I panicked and desperately fumbled around for my seatbelt, only for them to pass by with just a funny look. Then it hit me that I was riding my motorcycle. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 550
You deserved it 49 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Lucky you didn't get pulled over, stepping out of the car could have been awkward.


xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Marijuana does things to you, man...

xknightlightx 2

Maybe He wasn't appropriately confident in his driving skills from the beginning or he just lets fear get the best of him when it comes to an authority. Remind me of the milgram's obedience experiments..

jajaflan 4

Wouldnt he fall out of the car???

I don't know about you guys but whenever I see a cop looking in my general direction I always feel like I'm committing a crime... Do others get this?..

HKC, I know exactly what you mean.. Whenever a cops around I get all nervous like I've done something wrong even when I haven't.. It's just figures of authority that get me.. Their always looking for some reason to slap the cuffs on you or wright you a ticket.. Any detail that you might have accidentally over looked .. :@ even when you're the one who calls them, they still **** you over sometimes..

140, i get the same feeling, i think its normal

samikitty961 8

Probably the same way people don't notice that they're wearing their glasses when they're trying to find them...

140- I don't get that feeling most of the time because I know I haven't done something wrong. But when I do mess up, like accidentally running a red light, then a cop makes me nervous for a while =P

I get that feeling when a Cop looks at me and when I go through those detector things at stores, I feel like they are going to go off on me.

Jordath_Fil 11

When I see cops, its usually with a 'Douchebag cop what's he doing going 90 on the highway? Not fair!'

Not really, although that's because my dad is one and I got guys stopping by my house all the time. One of them is my trainer too, so I don't have much to worry about when I'm in my state

I get that feeling when I'm going through the scanners at an airport. I just feel so guilty even though there's nothing to feel guilty about.

Inheritance 10

Why assume that OP is a 'child'? My opinion if I had a kid I wouldn't let him drive a motorcycle till he moved out. But that's just me. Shouldn't make quick assumptions.

Hey I have a mother who has ,add threats to disown me if I ever get a motorcycle when I'm out on my own. She is obviously exaggerating, but she seriously hates them that much due to their danger that she has put in her own head. They are dangerous, but so is driving.

95 - Driving is dangerous. But motorcycles are FAR worse than cars. Not only do cars HAVE SEAT BELTS, but you are actually in an enclosed space, rather than out in the open with no bodily protection but the clothes on your skin. The driver's seat can In card is also specifically designed to stay fairly intact when in a crash. Now tell me again about how driving a motorcycle is just as dangerous as driving in general.

Sorry, I meant "the driver's seat in cars". "The drivers seat can In card"? Really, autocorrect?

126 - I think you misunderstood the comment...but thanks for pointing out the obvious, we had no idea that motorcycles didn't have seatbelts and that they weren't, crazy world man...

I agree with you. I never said they were just as dangerous, I know they aren't by any means. I was just stating my mom has a over the top fear of motorcycles, as if they cause death by touch. I have no plans of ever riding a motor cycle because o don't see the appeal. The danger is just more cushion to that choice. I honestly was just trying to appear the motorcycle lovers out there that I don't call them death traps. I didn't mean to insinuate that I thought driving a car and motorcycle were just as dangerous as the other. I'm not an idiot.

CharresBarkrey 15

Motorcycles are referred to as "donor cycles," here in the medical field. Just make sure that if you do make that choice, be smart about it.

It's not what you're driving that one needs to worry about. It's the other drivers

Unless you're the shit driver. Then you should be worried

I never saw the point of riding motorcycles...why wrap your body around a large machine when you can wrap a large machine around it?

CallMeMcFeelii 13

He is pretty damn stupid, not for the fml he posted, but for riding a motorcycle in the middle of a Canadian winter.

Yeah OP is either down right retarded, or most likely spamming random FMLs to see if anything gets published.

You do realise that not ALL of Canada is covered in snow and freezing cold right?

At this time of year, I think it's safe to say it is. My family is spread out all across Canada, and every one of us has at least a couple inches of snow right now.

Sinkhole 26

I hope you people realize that this FML was translated from the French version of FML. So, just because it was published today here, it doesn't mean it was submitted today.

MarisaCB 16

That's a bit unfair, don't you think? Haven't you ever looked for your fork when its in your hand? Or looked for your phone during a phone call? It's just a brain slip, though a major one.

Well, I'm in BC, it's above freezing, an we don't have snow. So I guess it's really not safe to make that assumption. Thanks for trying though.

I'm in BC and we have about a foot and a half....

Not saying the entire province has no snow, just that where I am doesn't.

lexxiii 17

If you typically drive a car without a seatbelt, you might want to think otherwise. A seatbelt saved my life when my car did a 360. Either way, I don't see how this is an FML at all.

Who doesnt, sirens make me run for my life and i may not have even been doing anything

Reminds me of duck dynasty. "As soon as I see flashing lights coming towards me, I'm out of there." or something along those lines.

oj101 33

He's probably McLovin who bought alcohol underage and desperately tried to get away from the police officer by joyriding. *superbad reference*

fishstick557 14

what you just see that movie or something? that joke was as stupid as OP

maybe he was holding something??? or he's black :P

katydid95 5

How do you forget you're riding motorcycle?

He didn't have his morning coffee. ***** me up every time.

toalysium 15

You don't, it's impossible. OP is either a moron or full of bs.

Wouldn't you notice the lack of a seat immediately?

If he isn't sitting on a seat, what is he sitting on then?

I meant the part that supports your back. Motorcycles don't have a back and to get the seatbelt you would probably feel the back of the seat in a car.

And why didn't OP notice the lack of windshield, doors, and steering wheel? Those are more noticeable than a seat belt

Ignore my comment. Yours didn't pop up until after I sent mine.

I'm not saying those things aren't noticable, but he obviously ignored those things in the first place. When he's feeling around, his attention would immediately be turned to the fact that there is nothing to feel and he would notice that first.

Yes, but they are much smaller than those on actual cars. The one my dad has only goes up halfway where the ones in cars go much farther up.

I'm sorry but I don't really have a working knowledge of motorcycles. I don't know how many have seats like the ones found in cars so if OP owns one, my comment is completely invalidated. Whoops

I've seen full backs... Watch some of the motorcycle shows you will see one or two eventually..

Sh*t, some of the motorcycle seats I've seen on custom bikes may as well be La-z-boy recliners. They're cushy and envelope you on both sides. I'd fall asleep riding that thing.

friedpwnadge 25

Be glad you didn't get a ticket for distracted driving.

It's ok OP, we all have those silly moments from time to time :)

chickenflem 8

I love how there are no votes or this FML. I mean is it an fyl or ydi. Who knows.