By ForeverAlone - 22/09/2015 21:40 - Ukraine

Today, there was a big party at my workplace. The only person that was socializing with me in any way was my co-workers 4-year-old daughter. Before leaving, she drew smiley faces on plastic plates and napkins and gave them to me so I "will have some friends and not be all alone". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 480
You deserved it 1 964

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks op, but I bet your coworker will really appreciate how much her daughter liked you!

At least you had such an adorable little girl to try cheer you up! Always look for the silver linings OP!


That really sucks op, but I bet your coworker will really appreciate how much her daughter liked you!

Agreed. And such little gestures from kids are extremely adorable. Feel lucky OP!

At least you had such an adorable little girl to try cheer you up! Always look for the silver linings OP!

It seems to me that the little 4 year old was the most mature of them all!

BlueHorizons 8

If only adults were a little more like kids.

I think the problem is the adults acting like children.

trellz17 19

I'm just gonna assume that you didn't want to socialise because, all your coworkers are assholes, right?

Not necessarily. I'm always awkward at parties (especially work parties-- I'm just not good at small talk). If there is a kid (or animal) at the party, that's where I usually end up. It's more to do with my own awkwardness than any fault with anybody else. Plus, kids and animals tend to be way better and more entertaining than most adults. I'd rather sit and color than mingle.

trellz17 19

It was a joke, it's hard to convey sarcasm through text.

Well, it could also be that OP is the asshole that nobody wants to socialize with :)

On the bright side, the daughter didn't have to be alone in that party either! :)

I'm sorry to hear about the poor experience, but that was incredibly adorable.

Wow :/ Only kids can be this sweet and cruel at the same time.

That is a beautiful child and must be protected

You scarficed your time, so the little girl wasn't lonely, it won't go unnoticed. And it was polite gesture when she had to leave, cheer up