By ForeverAlone - 22/09/2015 21:40 - Ukraine

Today, there was a big party at my workplace. The only person that was socializing with me in any way was my co-workers 4-year-old daughter. Before leaving, she drew smiley faces on plastic plates and napkins and gave them to me so I "will have some friends and not be all alone". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 487
You deserved it 1 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That really sucks op, but I bet your coworker will really appreciate how much her daughter liked you!

At least you had such an adorable little girl to try cheer you up! Always look for the silver linings OP!


raym1900 3

that is so adorable. she is actually thoughtful. but sorry that colleagues will not chat with ya

bobbybev95 17

That is so adorable. Your co-worker is raising her right

Aww, that's so sweet. I would have hope for humanity after something like that.

BeenIt 5

That's an awesome little kid. Probably better company than anyone else at the party.

Sorry OP, I know about being socially awkward, and that must have hurt. But look on the bright side - you were probably talking to the best person there! Keep that in mind, when you try to socialize its easier to start with the sweet people.

Now even tho she is no where near his age that is what you call a true friend.