By kittyslayer - 15/12/2011 02:46 - United States
Same thing different taste
By About2bhomeless - 09/11/2021 11:01
By BrokeAsHell - 30/05/2013 08:51 - Australia - Werribee
I like what you've done with the place
By Scammed - 05/06/2016 18:26 - Mexico - Mexicali
By sunflower226 - 05/08/2011 21:41 - United States
By Anonymous - 09/11/2013 20:41 - United States
Won't somebody think of the landlords?!
By Kevin - 04/06/2024 18:00 - United States
By kenz - 06/12/2010 08:18 - United States
By fleetingmemories - 29/11/2013 23:55 - United States - Falls Church
Piss off
By Anonymous - 25/05/2023 21:00 - United Kingdom
By imfucked - 26/07/2019 14:00
Top comments
so how many waffle makers did she buy?
Depends on how much she had left over after buying the pepper spray
How the heck did she think she could keep that a secret? Your wife is an idiot, sorry OP
Why didnt he jus do it himself, instead of trusting his wife to do it knowing black Friday was jus around the corner. I agree she's an idiot but he is too!
@79 it says in the fml that he just got back from a trip, so how could he have done it himself if he wasn't there?
Damn that Rebecca black! Oh... You meant the holiday? I knew that...
Bah, I have no money so it's not like I get to go ;(
i thought this was funny! why is everyone thumbs downing it?
Thumbs downing? *Facepalm*
all black friday is is pointless
Return the items she bought and get you're money back.
#26 Bad grammar, bad spelling?!? MAKE IT STAWP!!! "MAKE IT STAWP" "STAWP"
Hahaha! Whoops! *your
Also, you can't return items bought on discount.
She's your wife. If she's THAT financially irresponsible, you should know by now not to trust her with rent while you're away. With Black Friday coming up no less, come on man. YDI.
but it says "man" but still, vdm
it's stories like that which make the rest of us females look like unintelligent fools who only think with their credit cards smh
What is black friday?
on black Friday stores sell huge 50" TVs for a ******* dollar it's not just for game shit or electronics it's for almost anything u want yes it's material things but I bought 3 TVs and sold them separately and made a ton on money so it's not just crap stuff
It's after Thanksgiving and it's an event, not a holiday.
we don't have Black Friday or thanksgiving here, only Black Saturday :( how very depressing x( I still cry :(
Yay thanks guys
Ask whether he'll take payment in obscure kitchen implements. Maybe see whether he wants that strange device you still haven't entirely worked out the function of, but everyone was fighting over them and there was only one left. You know the one.
The type of stuff people typically purchase on black Friday; never stuff you need, always stuff you vaguely desire because it's massively reduced.
Yeah, I'm British, I wasn't actually aware implements in that context wasn't also used across the pond. While my American English is far from perfect, I'd be surprised if it's never used as a noun at all; do phrases such as stone implements, blunt implement, implement of torture etc really not see any usage in the US?
ii use instruments of torture
Really u women can be that financially irresponsible not to pay rent before u blow ur money????
How the heck did she think she could keep that a secret? Your wife is an idiot, sorry OP
so how many waffle makers did she buy?