The Top

gabimk23 tells us more.

Well, it all started a couple months ago when the girl was living with a different man, they blasted music at 3 am and would tempt my dog with treats. One day I came home and there was a bunch of police cars in front of the house, apparently they were cooking meth and they got arrested. When she got bailed out 3 months later she moved in that house with another man, and ever since my dog goes outside barks at the house, and ***** in their yard. She hates them so much she tries to bark at them if she just sees them in the window. Maybe they gave her a bad treat idk.

tricia_11 tells us more.

That man hasn't worked a day in almost 5 years. He took an early retirement and sits home all day. I work my ass off. I have a 3 hour daily commute on top of my work day. After sitting on his ass all day, he needs to cook me my favorite meal, give me the best sex ever and worship me for taking care of him! Yet, I'm thinking of myself? Get real.

snazz23 tells us more.

OP here! So, we're very open about our gross habits. We have no problem popping each others pimples and such. I was actually the one to point out the infection and asked if he wanted me to get it. I'm not grossed out by it, I simply found it funny that everyone always says what bliss being a newlywed is and here I am squeezing and digging and infected hair our of my husband!

BloodyElegant tells us more.

Hey, OP here! (Sorry, I didn't think to use my account when I posted this) Turns out I'm sort of happy that it happened. It hurt (and still hurts), yes, but I'm glad I didn't go through with the wedding. We spent the next week going back and forth and he just treated me like crap. It made me realize I deserve someone who wants me, loves me, and treats me how I deserve to be treated. As for the hotel, I did have my best friend enjoy the amenities with me while I enjoyed some much needed catharsis. Thank you, everyone, for being so kind!

Dr_Awesome654 tells us more.

Hey, op! In case you were wondering, I didn't get the job. I called after I realized I missed the opportunity and they said no jobs were open. Now for you curious people, the job was as a cashier at McDonalds, (yes they hire) and I don't know how much I would have gotten payed, I was just ecstatic to have a job, plus it would have been before my college student brother ever got one. But I can still beat him to get a drivers license ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)