By disappointed - 07/06/2011 17:05 - United States
Same thing different taste
By jdmarine83 - 07/10/2011 19:32 - United States
By Former Professor - 21/07/2019 22:00
By dsbass09 - 09/07/2011 05:59 - United States
Don't leave my baby boy
By Julia - 17/03/2021 02:01
Are you kidding me?
By HousekeeperNoMore - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
Face your demons
By corleon198425 - 13/11/2020 20:08
I could be happy
By Anonymous - 17/06/2021 00:01
By alphafoxy21 - 05/05/2011 06:54 - United States
By tsu3 - 16/11/2009 15:14 - Germany
By Anonymous - 10/09/2011 02:19 - Reserved
Top comments
haha that sucks
OP probably has higher qualifications than the owner of the house!!!
oh never mind it doesn't suck she is a woman they are mention for this
it sucks man how would you like to clean houses man -.-
Is that a job offer I hear?
at least he's never high...
34- what? go away..., he's gonna go into depression and then get high to cope with it.
Get some Windex! ^.^
Thumb me uppp yayyy lol xD !!!'
well, how would you like to spend most of your life studying to get a decent job and get stuck doing the jobs you were trying to avoid in the first place. You suck.
well idc 52 your a bitch and just hate that I don't like school and btw you don't have to go to school to create a website idiot alot of people have done it! And whoopdie ****** do I don't like school it's not for everyone and that doesn't mean I'm lacking something because I don't like school or didn't create a website because why I don't want to so go run your mouth to someone else bitch thanxs
No rallets, so you can make enough money to not be in debt the rest of your life. And be intelligent instead of a pimple on society's ass like purplerae.
169- your a fag
such a waste of a first comment. *sigh*
actually 52 school is just training wheels for your brain it gives you knowledge and ways to apply it , I was building my own pc's since I was 13 guess what the school didn't help me learn anything about computers , if your intelligent AND smart you don't need school THAT much to pursue what you want to do the same year I had the second highest iq In my city is the same year I failed grade 9.
actually 52 school is just training wheels for your brain it gives you knowledge and ways to apply it , I was building my own pc's since I was 13 guess what the school didn't help me learn anything about computers , if your intelligent AND smart you don't need school THAT much to pursue what you want to do the same year I had the second highest iq In my city is the same year I failed grade 9.
209, what was your towns highest IQ then? 10? And in regards to building computers, I agree, school doesn't teach you that; I've pretty much taught myself most the stuff about computers, which I one day hope to use for a career, but it helps you fill in the gaps with subjects such as IST and IPT.
it's clearly purple Rae. he didn't have the schoolin to spell things right
Even of you know a lot about computers, imagine what you could learn if you majored in something related. Everyone's saying school didn't help them learn about computers. No shit. But you do get to pick your major in college. There is the option to learn more about computers. Also, good luck getting a career in computers without a degree. Common sense guys. Common sense.
53 - congrats 59 people thumbed you down.
Sucks like a vacuum cleaner?
no like your mom
you have to start somewhere
watch out for strauss kan
*that swallows.
if she did that she WOOD get a better job
cleaning does need skill though, there's a motion of vacuuming that only brainpower can do :)
No no, Mr. Johnson no home.
Look, could you just give him the flyer? No, no, noo...
haha **** off
"Cant you just bring some from home?" "No noo nooo"
listen I don't want to point fingers but I'm missing about a thousand dollars in play money.
"No nooo, you buy."
"I take..." "Come get bitch"
c-c-combo breaker!
Of course it could be worse. Any situation could be worse than it is, but that doesn't change the fact that OP's situation sucks really badly. You know what really pisses me off when I'm trying to vent to someone about a really shitty situation? When they tell me, "It could be worse."
duuude, 20$-30$ a house, 3 er 4 houses a day. its not that bad. plus you get some exercise with that vacuum. it does suck you went through all that education though..
$60-$120 a day? You can make more than that waiting tables.
woahh. my bad :) thanks.
Actually, it's pretty damn close to my situation. And believe me, "It could be worse" is not a soothing sentiment.
be happy its a job
gotta start somewhere mate
Six years of university and no teaching positions to be found. Schools are cutting back instead of hiring. So now I'm working as a nanny. OP, I sympathize.
I am in the same position. I work two part-time jobs because there are no teaching positions available.
I'm going down that career path so I'm starting to get worried :(
b/c "H-Town" hoodrats kill the teachers they don't like.
not true, they just threaten them for better grades...

better than no job, your situation could be worse.
You need more lemon pledge?