By Auston - 17/07/2011 05:16 - United States

Today, at work, our team started a new sales strategy of selling flowers to men by asking them to buy one for their lovely ladies. The first guy I ask ends up crying and telling me his wife passed away a week ago. The woman with him was actually his sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 596
You deserved it 5 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not like you knew. Oh well ¯|(°_o)/¯ Sucks to be him, though.

Roses are red, Violets are blue. This rhyme's overdone, But at least I'm not you.


It's not like you knew. Oh well ¯|(°_o)/¯ Sucks to be him, though.

deja entendu is a fantastic album, I'm very proud of you.

It's definitely not a stupid strategy and "buying _____ for _____" is probably one of the most common marketing methods ever used. Not only that, but "lovely ladies" is not necessarily limited to significant others. This is all just a very misfortunate circumstance.

I just hate it that when you're in a restaurant in a touristic city, every time you want to take some of your food there's someone standing next to your table asking to buy a flower.

She couldn't know but I bet there will be some YDI because of stupid people

juicedboi 7

He could buy it to place at her grave. Either way it's awkward for OP and tragic for the customer.

KatrinaKitten 16

Should have given him a free flower...

KatrinaKitten 16

Should have given him a free flower...

KatrinaKitten 16

Sorry for the repeat guys ..

This is just really unfortunate, it's not anyone's fault. "Lovely ladies" is pretty ambiguous, it could've easily referred to his sister. But it's easy to see how he could be so sensitive.

at least he didn't make you get fired >o< fyl and his too :/

Well, that's what you get for trying to abuse someone's relationship. You know how awkward it'd be for a young male to be out with his fiance/wife and to be asked, "HEY! You think your wife is worth buying flowers for?" Because, yeah, he's obviously not going to get flak from his wife for saying, "No. I'd rather not spend the $10 on her because I'd rather save my money for something more useful." It's almost like the time that I had only $5 on me and I wanted to buy lunch at the hamburger table that was set up in front of the college library. Somebody intercepted me about 10 seconds before I could get to the lunch table that was set up and told me that I should donate some money to Japan for the tsunami (this was a while back). I told them that I would, but I only had just enough to buy food. The guy then tried guilting me by saying "Fine. Let the people there suffer." To which I said, "Well, then if you feel so bad for them, why don't you go ahead and donate $5 for me instead? Also, there's kids in Sudan and Somalia who have been suffering far longer. Go ahead and help them as well." The guy rolled his eyes, muttered something and got out of the way of my lunch.

skizzlerz 0

I almost had to thumb this comment up just for the awesome person they made lmao and 85- very true and I agree. Of course, sales people might not really care because that technique works very well with some people BECAUSE they feel guilty. So true, but most of them will still go on using this technique of marketing.

ImaWiseGuy 5

you should of followe up with, "well, here buy lovely sister some flowers"....

So did he buy your goddamn flowers or what?

biancaortiz 0
christinaxbunnyy 6

that's harsh. should've gotten them free..

mine was the 12th. where's my happy b-day?

He could've put the flowers on his wife's grave ..

We might as well just wish a happy birthday to anyone with a birthday last week, cause I know quite a few people who had a birthday in that time.

25 - maybe he can't face seeing her grave yet? it has, afterall, been just a week. I know if my lover died it would be awhile before I could see their grave. hell, it's been 2 and a half years since my uncle commited suicide and my aunt still has trouble visiting his grave.

Blackmail111 9

What if she was incinerated? see I hate people who assume because if OP had said that the man might have cried more and told her the wife had been incinerated instead of buried

austinkiser 3

u give him free flowers then?

some_shit 0

why would they be free? either buy some or go cry somewhere else. I dont understand why people post stupid fmls about accidentally offending someone... WHO CARES!!!!!

he can still buy them for her,right? i mean for her grave.

Blackmail111 9

Once again assumining The poor man's wife might have been incinerated

christinaxbunnyy 6

Ouch... It burns badly when your sales pitch ends up being harmful... But it's not like you could have known, darling! I'm sorry.

tell him to put them on her grave as a sign of respect

Blackmail111 9

For the 3rd time Assuming I hate assumers and I'm only gonna say this 1 more time She could have been incinerated not burried meaning it could have made him cry more

Roses are red, Violets are blue. This rhyme's overdone, But at least I'm not you.

StudMuffinette 17

I think a gold star will cover his efforts.