By tmi. - 01/11/2012 13:52 - Australia

Today, a customer smiled, looked me in the eye and described to me in graphic detail the swelling that occurred to his nuts after his vasectomy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 056
You deserved it 1 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is he nuts? It takes balls to talk about something so personal with a stranger. FYL, that's weird as heck, should've.... cut him off.

zingline89 18

If you're a pharmacist, not so terrible. If you're a 15 year old girl working the drive-thru window at McDonalds, FYL.


Oh, Aidan, don't hurt! Vasectomies are entirely optional. (except for you...)

Driblets 8

Just remember Aidan... No seeds... ALL juice! -_~

unknown_user5566 26

Talk about creepy. I hope you reported him to your manager; I doubt they want customers who talk about such things in their place of business.

unknown_user5566 26

24- True, but I haven't heard many doctors or nurses refer to people as "customers". If OP was in the medical field, wouldn't s/he have said "patient"? Also, wouldn't situations like this be somewhat common (or at least expected) in the medical field?

Yes 25, as a nurse I can verify that if the OP was a medical professional, he/she would have said patient or maybe client, but not customer. Nor would a professional say FML about a patient's swollen testicles. It's our job to listen.

Could have been a register operator at a pharmacist/ chemist/ drug store.

unknown_user5566 26

36- Even then, I'd imagine these things come with the territory. If OP is a pharmacist, etc, then the customer was probably there to get medicine for the effects from the surgery; it would be natural to assume the customer may want to explain the side effects.

Ah, actually your logic is quite sound. I just can't think of any other situation where a customer would do this, and where OP would sit and listen, instead of running away while projectile vomiting.

Is he nuts? It takes balls to talk about something so personal with a stranger. FYL, that's weird as heck, should've.... cut him off.

zingline89 18

If you're a pharmacist, not so terrible. If you're a 15 year old girl working the drive-thru window at McDonalds, FYL.

"Hi can I take your order" "My balls were so swollen after my vasectomy" Maybe he was trying to hit on OP. get her feeling sad that his balls hurt so she would make them feel better. Who knows!

He wanted her to kiss his boo-boo and make it feel better.

He was letting her know she wont get prego.

BiChelsea 6

What are we gonna use now for the pasta!!!

suboy 10
rawrforlove 7

I could have lived my entire life without picturing that. XD

perdix 29

Sure, you could, but when you are a guy, the day you have the giant, swollen balls is so worth the pain. You end up waddling around singing that AC/DC song.

Some balls are held for charity And some for fancy dress But when they're held for pleasure, They're the balls that I like best. My balls are always bouncing To the left and to the right It's my belief that my big balls Should be held every night! I do have to admit; I love that song.

thatKidzmOm 10

Now it's stuck in my head!!!!! :-0

perdix 29

#56, do you mean the song or the giant, swollen balls?

Frickin creeper... Should have re-created that swelling with a swift punch to the nuts haha

iamzikang 17

Balls: But you didn't have to cut me off