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I'm innocent, I swear!

By Anonymous - 16/07/2015 14:47 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I got a surprise raise and a promotion at work. Hours after accepting, our company was raided by police on fraud charges. Due to my new managerial position, I had to get grilled by cops. I may not have a job at all next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 797
You deserved it 1 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you don't know who the fall guy is... YOU'RE THE FALL GUY!

Oh man, that is brutal. Really sorry that that happened.


If you don't know who the fall guy is... YOU'RE THE FALL GUY!

What comes up must come down, including new managers I guess.

johnrdz3 24
johnrdz3 24

Made you raise an eyebrow didn't it?

Yep. And it sounds to me like they knew the cops were about to raid the place and needed a sudden fall guy.

It sucks being used like that, tell the police you just now become (your position), and the other guy did it.

every company needs an escape goat lol

Maybe that was the world telling you working there was no good? I hope you can find something better soon!

Extra soon, actually. Once the news spreads that your current employers were raided, it could be seen as a black mark on your resume if you apply within the same field.

thats the plot to fun with dick and jane

That was the first thing I thought of too

josiemorehouse 12

Before "Fun with Dick & Jane", this was the plot for the movie "Moving" with Richard Pryor in 1988.

Thors_Hammer9999 17

Before it was the plot of Moving it was the plot of the original Fun With Dick And Jane in 1977

Oh man, that is brutal. Really sorry that that happened.

Looks like management knew that was coming and set you up for the fall.

sorry op that sucks hopefully you can find a new job if this one doesn't work out

I hope you learn to baa quickly because you're the scapegoat

Sorry OP, hope that the cops figured out what happened so that you weren't in trouble.