All the FMLs

Eyeslick tells us more.

Yes you're correct! But let me Somme a little light on the subject(warning my reply includes religion so if you're just going to hate....just don't read this!) Where I live there are two big universities that are well known and both are some of the top ranking schools in the United states. That's why my family has been going there for a long time, and the reason why I was hoping to be able to attend said school (plus their soccer team was interested in me).This school is very difficult to get into, and well not to toot my own horn, I easily had the after school activities and grades to get into said school. After praying about why I wasn't accepted I received the distinct impression that I need to go to the other school because I am needed there for some well I guess I'll see what that means some day. Luckily I also applied to this second school because out of the two this one has a better medical school, which applies more towards my major of choice. I also have scholarships at this second school so that's a bonus. So in the end I guess everything ends a lot better then expected.

MorlockWarlock tells us more.

Hey OP here. Thanks for all the supportive and helpful comments. To answer any questions though, I do live in Indiana which is a right to work state so I'm not going to get anywhere with that. My ex manager had just hired in to the company about 2 weeks before. I definitely got the feeling that he didn't like me much so it was probably a personal vendetta for him. It's not like I was working to fast either. I was working for a Ford dealership as a line mechanic. I was on company book time. I'm not worried about it now though. It was probably for the best. Thank again though

deebroooo tells us more.

A street that didn't have a specific turning lane. And to clarify my blinker was on. Took awhile to turn because there was a lot of cars coming toward so I was there a while.

cameron0779 tells us more.

Hey everyone, OP here. Thanks for all the support, doc says I'll be able to walk again in a few weeks. I was wearing socks, and my grandma's house has wooden stairs. My grandmother and I are very close, and she completely understood; she wasn't upset. And now, as for the TV. I'd say it WAS about 40 inches and rather new, so it wasn't too heavy. But I'll by buying another one. I'll also be fixing the banister. It was just a fluke accident, no hard feelings. And yes, my grandmother cared about my leg. Bye guys!

ragnarok1540 tells us more.

Fortunately since we are pathologists, we don't really have any direct patient contact. However we do have many surgeons coming down to the surgical pathology lab, not to mention the poor laboratory technologists who have to work around this guy ...

That_Teenager_ tells us more.

That_Teenager_ 13

Hey guys!! Op here! I honestly didn't expect this to get accepted. Anyway, I wanna say thanks to all the people making jokes, I found them hilarious. To the people wondering, yes I'm female. Also, the bus was PACKED, or else I definitely would've moved. Trust me, I glared at him as much as I could and I actually told him to stop multiple times. I even threatened him with calling the police, but he wouldn't stop. But you know, I got to my stop and had a wonderful day in the city even after that experience. Nothing else happened, and I'm back home safe and sound. Sorry for the long explanation!