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lemonlime66 tells us more.

lemonlime66 21

Hey, OP here. This happened a few months ago, but I still remember the embarrassment like it was this morning. I made a joke out of it, we became close, and then his wife and I found out about each other. We became friends, they got divorced, and we all lived happily ever after (except him).

onyinye tells us more.

hey guys, OP here. We have been together for several years now and we've been through a lot. I'd say we have grown together and our relationship is great in general. However, a lot of bad stuff has happened in the past (I got raped and he kinda blames himself for not being there for me and protecting me at that time, which he couldn't, because he got falsely accused of dealing drugs and was behind bars for a couple of months until they let him go). About the marrying stuff, we are still engaged and want to get married in the future, but considering the circumstances we have decided to wait for things to settle before actually setting a date and going through with it. I think the reason why he got angry is that he usually sees himself as "the strong man" and the protector and while he is comfortable talking to me alone, he felt really uncomfortable being vulnerable in front of a stranger.

junko_fml tells us more.

Hey, everyone! OP here. After this happened, my parents enforced the rule for barely a day before they realized how stupid it was and how impossible it is to enforce. My brother (who is 18, by the way) ended up finding loopholes in every punishment that they gave him afterwards, while I lived my life of freedom. Thanks for your advice, guys; I enjoyed reading your comments!