All the FMLs

loko0909 tells us more.

I made an account because this is my FML and wanted to comment on all the questions and whatnot. My boyfriend and I had been having problems for a while now, but we just had a beautiful daughter 7 months ago, so we wanted to do our best to make things work. The place we were renting had been sold and we didn't really have the money to afford a deposit and rent towards a new place since I was only working part time due to the baby, so we moved into his moms to save up for it. When he told me he wanted to break up, I knew in my heart that it was the right thing. Forcing something that wasn't meant to be isn't the way to go. His mother is an amazing person and isn't forcing me and my daughter out, rather helping me find a better job, get my license, and generally get my life together before I move out. He is actually looking for a place to move out himself. And it isn't at all awkward between us living together right now, especially since he is in the basement in his own room and I'm in the room upstairs with my daughter. We are taking the mature route, trying to stay friends for our daughters sake, and there really isn't any bad blood between us since I knew in my heart it was time to split as well. although it wasn't the best idea to move in with his mother but there wasn't any other viable options. I'm just thankful his mother understands my situation and is doing what she can to help me get back on my feet.

sniffmyzebra tells us more.

Can't believe this was published! OP here, as some you said, the date really did suck. But my brand new vacuum sucks even more! Did I do it right? I'll leave.

Ajax_Teh_Great tells us more.

Hey Everyone, OP here. Thanks for all the support and making me laugh. Luckily he hadn't taken anything of value, although he had taken my shoes(ridiculous, I know). I was walking home from my job because my bike was also stolen. Again, FML. I had accidentally left my wallet at my house which is lucky for once. After being stabbed, someone had seen me bleeding, so they called 911. I'm no longer in the hospital as the wound wasn't serious, so I'm doing slightly better. Again, Thanks for the support.

900104878 tells us more.

Hey OP here. I guess I should clarify some things. Birth control was used, as like every other time. It happened to fail. We were together a few months and a few more after we found out. I don't believe in staying with someone solely because of a child. It's not healthy for anyone. We get along fine and he's excited to be a dad. Absolutely not great timing of course. But I do not believe in abortion. I didn't post this because I'm worried about money. I have a good full time job that I will return to after my mat leave. My heart hurts for him, not me. I've got my family here, I'll be ok. Thank you for the support!!