All the FMLs

lizzie57 tells us more.

Hi, OP here. Thanks for the comments, so happy this got published and the maths jokes made me laugh :) to people questioning the random attendance inspections - my school has really bad attendance generally so we get them to try and scare us into coming more. I did talk to my teacher and he spoke to the office and explained the situation and they let me off :) so alls well that ends well I suppose. I was just a bit annoyed at my teacher forgetting me! But bless him he was very apologetic. Anyway, thats me explained :)

TheKingKen tells us more.

TheKingKen 22

Ha! OP is so dumb. His tiny brain can't even function properly :D But just to clarify some things, English is my second language. We rarely speak English at home. In my native language, saying "I'm pregnant" and "I'm full" (because I already ate at the time) sounds similar enough for me to confuse the two phrases if I don't pay enough attention :D

CheeseTacos tells us more.

CheeseTacos 9

Hey everyone! OP here. Thanks for the support. :) some of these posts made me chuckle a bit. I did stick up for her and made him apologize. It was uneasy the rest of the night but I don't regret it. Bye!! P.S It was towards me. He was in fact calling her a "beggar". Hope I cleared some things up!

bingalingading tells us more.

op here! Turns out I sorta kinda went over her head about it and now my vacation time has been approved! Of course said manager wasn't happy, but of course I went to HR about it and they seemed to have taken care of it. So starting June 22nd I will be on a cruise with my lovely wife!