By Anonymous - 15/08/2015 15:20 - United States

Today, just as I was putting my contacts in, a gnat landed on it. Its guts got squished between my eyeball and the contact. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 814
You deserved it 1 934

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TechnoKitten 17

Gnats side of the story Today, I was being me and landed on a contact lens, then an evil human squished me in his/her eye female


And also quite unfortunate. FYL OP hope you're okay, I'd be scarred to use contacts again after that.

I think dats gnatsty might be better... but still far out there

and then I scrolled down and saw 3 already did that... sigh

Coland 19

Trust me. There parenthesis weren't necessary.

Of course the "parentheses" weren't necessary, considering that they are quotation marks.

Alright, I'll admit, you got me there. In my defense though, it was really late at night.

One time a mosquito flew in my eye and I thought I got it out. I woke up the next morning with a dismantled mosquito body just outside of my eye.

Gnats horrible, op. Maybe stick to glasses for a while?

Had a chance to be first and I choked, and took so dang long to choke that I wasn't even the first one to do it

Thats is so disgusting! Hope u got it off! If not burn your eyeball.

Thanks for the extremely practical advice.

Gnats side of the story Today, I was being me and landed on a contact lens, then an evil human squished me in his/her eye female

Now that's what I call a computer bug hahahahahahah.... Wait wrong punchline

lat187 18

Bet you didn't see that coming!