About to Popov
By badmom - 27/03/2009 18:42 - United States
By badmom - 27/03/2009 18:42 - United States
By StockedWithJuice - 06/07/2013 15:14 - United States - Austin
By don'tdrinkthat - 03/11/2013 22:27 - United States - Quincy
By cantprovenothing - 18/04/2014 21:31 - United States - Arlington
By TiredTeacher95 - 22/01/2022 19:59
By Anonymous - 09/04/2017 20:00
By anonymous - 01/02/2020 20:00 - United States - Shawnee
By Sean - 25/12/2009 00:36 - United States
By Failed Parent - 11/10/2012 06:59 - United States
By Anonymous - 07/06/2019 22:00
By eenkoekje - 13/05/2011 07:20
#8: In a lot of places, like my area, the well water is rather unsafe and unpleasant to drink. If you were to fill the bathtub with it, you can see the contamination and particles of random junk. That and it has a lot of iron, so it leaves a nice orange stain on sinks and bathtubs. However, in most places, the whole obsession with bottled water is ridiculous.
to those of you saying she's a bad mother because her daughter drinks at 16.. get out from under your rock
I've totally used water bottles to hold vodka- never took them to school, though. that's just asking for it! hope you got to your son before lunch time!!
#26, I can't believe you asked how she got vodka ha any 16 year old with an agenda can get alcohol if they want, and by pouring it in a water bottle makes it pass as water and makes it easier to drink in public, this is a regular thing on any college campus and now apparently high school kids do it too
haha that sucks! I hope your kid didn't drink anything! and FYI for all the people calling your daughter an alcoholic: Honestly, get real. Most kids start drinking freshman year of high school. Just because she had a water bottle of vodka doesn't make her an alcoholic; it does make her stupid though for accidently giving it to her mom.
Well she still is an alcoholic... I mean she consumes alcohol, possibly at dangerous levels. She would be better defined as "the average teenager"
Uh, you said your daughter is sixteen? Why are you not more concerned about the fact that she is carrying around entire water bottles of vodka? Unless you're writing from Europe, that's too young to be drinking in most countries. How is she coming by said vodka? Sixteen is too young to be hiding vodka in water bottles, legally or otherwise. Your kid has got a real problem. Usually, hiding one's alcohol consumption like that is a sign of alcoholism. Sure, I drank at parties when I was sixteen, but I sure didn't tote entire bottles of it around with me! I'm also not stupid enough to have accidentally given it to my little brother without checking, either. Was she drunk when this happened??
i think we're all missing the possibility that the daughter had never planned to take that bottle to school and had been stashing it for festivities this weekend. Or was planning to bring it with her but was going to drink it later when she was hanging out with friends later tonight. Not saying underage drinking is good thing but just because she has a bottle of vodka doesn't make her an addict. Also it doesn't in any way need to imply the mother is bad mom I mean seriously, speaking as someone who didn't graduate from high school all that long ago I'd say about 80% of the graduating class had been drunk at least once, and most of those long before senior year and that is a very conservative estimate, VERY conservative. Not saying it's a good thing, but the fact it happens doesn't mean bad parenting.
Totally agree!
sounds like your son knows how to "get down with the kids"
she carries a whole bottle with her? cant wait to see what her liver is like in 10 years. she needs a good talking too.
ROFL thats ****** great.. did you catch it in time?