About to Popov

By badmom - 27/03/2009 18:42 - United States

Today, I was packing my son's lunch and we'd ran out of water bottles. I asked my 16 year-old to run to the store. She didn't want to, but gave me one she had. After dropping my son off, my daughter frantically told me she'd made a mistake. I sent my second grader to school with a bottle of vodka. FML
I agree, your life sucks 90 331
You deserved it 17 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she carries a whole bottle with her? cant wait to see what her liver is like in 10 years. she needs a good talking too.

ROFL thats ****** great.. did you catch it in time?


may_cause_fail 0

24- Well, it is after a certain period of time, but that's no reason to only use a water bottle once.

Oh god that's hilarious Don't worry though, one sip of that and he'd go "blerghh!" and spit it out

greatnt249 0

"How did you not notice you were packing a glass bottle of vodka?" Read the post again. The daughter hid her vodka in a water bottle and accidentally gave the mom THAT bottle.

oh and at #38 she's underage (most likely, depending where she lives) which means it is pretty obvious she would want to hide her alcohol is some way, simply cause it's a not a good idea to be 16 and carrying a bottle of vodka, not necessarily cause she needs to hide a problem. Not to mention that drinking out of water bottles/pop bottles even when you don't want to hide it isn't that abnormal, especially in the college age group, and apparently with younger teens too. I'm not saying the mom shouldn't talk to her about having a liter of vodka in any way, just saying I think you're blowing the severity of the situation out of proportion. Also trust me that's not that far of a stretch for the imagination to figure out how someone underage could get alcohol, it's fairly easy for students to get, especially if they have older siblings or know someone else who does.

badgirleighteen 0

I agree with #39. Most kids start around fifteen or sixteen drinking. Just because she had a bottle of vodka doesn't mean she'll drink it all by herself; she could be sharing it at parties. That's one reason why we're not supposed to have water bottles out at school; they've caught too many kids with vodka in it. Most of you [probably parents] would be surprised at how easy it is to get alcohol. Just the other day my friend paid $10 for a water bottle of vodka that he received AT school in class. It is a little ridiculous, I guess, but you're only young and wreckless once, m'I right?

Sum_Dum_Bum 0

Well, was it good Vodka at least?

x0x_KissOfDeath 0

#38 times have changed. as # 45 and 39 said she's sharing it. kids drink more than just going to parties now adays

woww, #38 you're really stupid. who says she was carrying it with her? it could have been in her room. and of course she's gonna hide it. does she really want her parents to see her with a bottle of vodka in her room? anyways, hope you got to your son on time. lol.

blo0_starZz 0

Then how would the 16 year old have figured it out? It means she drank some & realized it was water. I don't blame you for that retarded comment, you're blonde.

Don't you mean she realised it was vodka? And it could've been a simple mistake - the 16 yr old realised she had a water bottle with something in it, so gave it to her mum for her brother, then once he'd left, she'd suddenly remembered it had vodka, not water in it. Doesn't necessarily meant she tasted it

kandy_fml 0

I'm surprised there isn't more comments here about her "bad parenting" Teenagers drink all the time. The high school I go to, everyone I know has been drunk at least once. A drinking teenage daughter is not a sign of bad parenting. It's a sign that she's...A teenager. Anyway. Hopefully you got the bottle out of your son's hands in time.

WIN! I want to know if your son drank it or not!