Adding insult to injury

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my boyfriend broke up with me. While he was dumping me, he was holding hands with his new girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 008
You deserved it 3 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have kicked him in the balls and then ran off laughing maniacally.


wow that's very rude of him... now you know that your better off without him

So, your ex is a bad breaker upper. Breaking up is one thing. That happens. He was very callus having anyone else involved. Very poor form.

I think this has to be one of the worst, most callous break ups ever featured on FML.

goldiefox 0

And you didn't get the hint when he brought someone with him to break up with you?

What hint was she supposed to get?... Please explain

PinkFun1969 9

we can only hope he gets a nice STD from the new girl.;-)

Chop off his hand and take it back. I bet his new girlfriend won't be able to hold it then.

Well you obviously deserve so much better than him, his new girlfriend probably is a controlling maniac who begged to be there. Just wait OP, karma will get him

Hopefully she's really a man. You know, wishful thinking...

Just have to act thankful in that situation. "Phew."

I despise people like, don't worry OP karma will get him when he least expects it not to mention you don't need an asshole like him.

Something similar happened to me except he used the line 'im not ready for a girlfriend' and then went after some other girl this had happened twice