Alexa play "More than this" by Roxy Music

By bagpipesrkmywrld - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, my most difficult task at work was three hole punching a 500-page document so somebody could put it in a binder on their shelf and not read it. I have a $150,000 education. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 330
You deserved it 8 045

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Leptailurus 0

Just goes to show you that an expensive education does not equal super-awesome-job. :P


If you were going to spend that much, why didn't you choose a real major?

how can someone say this person deserved it!?!? what did he do... screw all of you

So what? You are getting paid right? At least you have a job!

I put YDI. For one simple reason. STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT HAVING TO PAY YOUR DUES. Jaysus. Seriously, All you college grads and high school students really make me see red sometimes with your pompous attitudes and the whole "I have a great college educatino so why am i struggling." How about this? There are Men and Women out there, not only with "150K" college educations but that were once on top of their game, managing large departments, working their asses off to get to the top and then the economy died and they were all thrown back into the pit with the rest of us. Ever heard of Jen Lancaster? She's a memoirist, fantastic writer, but before she began writing, she was a top paid professional in the dotcom industry. When that crashed she was thrown back to temping. That means answering phones, being someone else's bitch, etc. She had a top education and experience to boot. Here is the deal: You graduated and now it's time to pay your dues to the REAL WORLD. That means doing bitch jobs and starting from THE BOTTOM. Im only one rung from the bottom. I did bitch work my first year out of school and for the first 4 months I didn't get paid. Then I got another bogus job where I had a fancy title and did nothing. I got yelled at and stuffed folders and they called it marketing. How did I get my nice job that I am at now?? The one that will help kick start a real career? The one that will give me REAL experience? I paid my dues doing bitch work. I offered to move. I offered to work for free while they trained me. I threw myself out there and now work 10-12 hour days for starting pay (even though at this point in my career I should be making a bit more) and IM HAPPY DOING IT. Because its work. Because I am grateful for the experience, even the stuff you hate doing. You have to do it. Its not FYL. Its BE THANKFUL YOU HAVE A PAYING JOB RIGHT NOW.

Rocker, When you join the real world you'll understand why this person deserves it. All college grads do. It comes with the package. Even whent he economy wasn't shit, you had to pay your dues. Its just how life is. And now that the economy tanked? There are more people who need to pay their dues. They deserved it for the reasons I listed above. Because we all have to start from the ground up. My dad had a expensive college education, and then paid for an expensive grad program, and then had to pay for all the exams you have to take when you go into a professional field (CPA). And you knwo what he did to start out? Stapled things. Even with the hundreds of thousands spent on his education, he STILL had to start at the bottom. And worked his way to the VERY Top of the company (name partner). Thats just how lief is. You do the btich work to get what you want. Im so tired of listening to these kids complain about how smart they are and how they have a college education. Guess what. Very few people care. They want experiene. You don't learn much by staring at a book.

JNic... really??? You've NEVER haerd of a school that charges 30K a semester? I guess you don't know how expensive a college education is then. University of Miami (Florida) - Private school - 34, 834 per semester Duke University - $34,335 Cal Tech - $34,437 Harvard - $36,173 University of Chicago - $37,632 These are per semester costs. I dont really feel like looking more up. But even if the school is a public school, only instate students pay rates below 20K and those rates are rising anyway. When I went to UF I paid around 13K. Out of state students paid in the 20-30s and the rates have increased. I know UNC rated increased by 4.5% in the past year or two. My friend went to Smith and paid in excess of 30 a semester. You're also wrong about scholarships and grants. They are harder to get every year because of the economy. I had great grades. Good enough to get me accepted to a Top 50 University. That didn't mean I could get a scholarship.

This is one of those FMLs that aren't really bad, but are worded to sound bad. I go to a private high school that costs 40k+ a year. College alone costs 160,00 dollars for private colleges, so MANY people pay that much for an education. And maybe you're an intern or something, or you've just started a new job. IT'S NOT A BIG DEAL.

YDI for thinking your education is measured by how much money you must pay to get it.

We all have to start somewhere, and usually its on the bottom rung of the corporate ladder.