At least someone's happy…

By reckless182 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to tell my 10 year-old son that his father and I are getting a divorce. His reply? "Yes! I call living with dad!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 672
You deserved it 13 565

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Awe, well yeah kids can be pretty harsh.


Why is that even an FML? Why does everyone assume children are going to choose mom? I was hoping my entire childhood my parents would get a divorce and my dad and I could go and live somewhere IN PEACE. Maybe she's just a crap parent... That reply surely indicates some sort of parental shortcomings on her side. It's nothing a 10 year old would say to a lovely mom.

What the hell is up with all these grammar police in the comments? OP: If my parents got a divorce when I was 10, I would have chosen my mom because we had the stronger relationship. But I didn't hate my dad or anything. Your son doesn't hate you.

chexmixbmx 0

Thats sucks, but remember the kid is just 10.

Baroness542 6

My parents divorced when I was about 5. I started out living with my dad more often because my mom is strict, and my dad pretty much let me do whatever I wanted to do. However, being a girl, when I hit my teenage years, I wanted to be with my mother more often. Now I'm with my mom 6 days out of the week. There's also the part where my dad still treats me like I'm 10, but that's a different story. Anyway, don't worry, OP. I'm sure he'll come around soon. He's only 10, and bound to miss his mother eventually. And, ignore all of these comments about you being a bad mother, because I'm sure you're not.

Wow, I love all the comments saying "his dad spoiled him, you're the better parent" or "well you're a bad mother!!!!!11!!" none of you know the situation, so don't form opinions like that. Maybe the OP and her son just have clashing personalities, and her son gets along better with her ex-husband. (when my parents got divorced, I definitely got along better with my dad, and I'm a guy) Don't sweat it, he's only ten. Give him a little while, he will realize he would rather spend time with both of his parents. And am I the only one that noticed the name Reckless182? Reckless Abandon by blink182? Idk maybe it has nothing to do with that :P to the OP, I'm sorry, FYL (for now) until he realizes what is happening.

haha i wud have said that when i was 10. at least hes not all sad

Well obviously he knows he won't be living with BOTH of you.. so before you told him how dad was leaving, he was making sure you knew that he wanted to live with his dad. -the nicest possible way-. or your just a bitch and both of them want to get rid of you.