At least someone's happy…

By reckless182 - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had to tell my 10 year-old son that his father and I are getting a divorce. His reply? "Yes! I call living with dad!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 672
You deserved it 13 565

Top comments


Awe, well yeah kids can be pretty harsh.


XanimalloverX 0

Also your son is young just bc he wants to live with his dad doesn't mean he doesn't love you not only is he a boy(he wants to do guy things. I'm not being sexist.) but right now he doesn't understand. He will when he's older don't worry your son LOVES you just as much as he loves his father

XanimalloverX 0

Another suggestion how about joint cusotdy that way he lives with BOTH and that way you get to see him become a teenager

deliapearl 0

ur means your and you're. if u dinosaurs r gonna use the internet, please learn the language

deliapearl 0

let dad have custody. it's easier to pay than to raise the kid. u'll have more freedom!

Ok, so you'd use that in an email to a potential employer, would you? Or to a client in a business setting? Typing like that doesn't even save time, all it does is make you look like real words are beyond your comprehension.

Mate, learn how to spell 'Grammar' correctly before giving childish grammar rule lessons to others. "When it's in the middle you say me." How about: "Yesterday, you and I went shopping", how more 'middle' of the sentence can you get. Go back to school, please.

Grammar rule: Use whichever form (I or me) would make sense if the other person was removed from the sentence: "Would you like to come to the movies with Peter and me?" "Peter and I went to the movies." *Shrug* That's what I was taught anyway.

XCarCrashHeartsX 0

No she does not. As she uses the 'me' before 'father', 'me' would have been acceptable if written, "Your father and me"

redxxangel 0

no, it wouldnt, because "me" is incorrect. "I" is the proper pronoun in this case. but you are right in that it should come after "father"

Silly, it's not 'internet language', it's dumb moron language...

Baroness542 6

Haha, really? I'm no "dinosaur". I'm probably younger than half of the people on FML, and I still use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. I guess I'm just a fan of correct sentence structure and not sounding like a complete idiot. Oh, and abbreviating words isn't a new language. It's just being too lazy to spell out entire words.

To add to #75, as far back as the 17th or 18th century (1600's and 1700's for those who don't know their centuries. And sorry if that insults some of you who are smart enough to know them, I'm not trying to cause you any offense), scholars were trying to adjust the English language to simplify its spelling and get rid of awkward pronunciations. Examples being: they wanted to change words like, though = tho, should = shud, you = u, etc.; however these spellings didn't catch on and people still used the regular spellings(Source is The Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson). So therefore, this "internet language" is not new at all; just brought back from the grave. =)

reebert 0

totally off topic, but the history you are talking about and the book you are quoting is filled with urban legends. most of the book is false and made up. their was never a movemont to change the english language like that. you are very mistaken to cite a satirical book.

His reaction implies you and his father have been on the verge of divorce for a while, so YDI for exposing your child to a bad marriage for an extended period of time.

hanic101 0

Actullay katy29 you only have to say I when it's at the beginning of a sentence. When it's in the middle you say me. So she does have correct grammer. OP- that sucks but he is a boy and boys tend to like their fathers more


HA. I agree with him. YDI for being the mom. Mom's are bitchy and menopausal. If you're at that age or going to get that age while raising him, let him go. You'll ruin his life if you menopause around him. Trust me. I'm such a ****** up person because of it. I'd rather sleep with a bunch of hungry tigers than in my own home most of the time. :)

skiBOAT 0

Awww :C FYL. When he matures a bit more he'll realize he misses you and loves you just as much.

XCarCrashHeartsX 0

I f my mom told me that, I'd say the exact same thing.

XCarCrashHeartsX 0